Interesting tidbit…

Heard on WTOP in DC one the way to the airport; if this isn’t cause/effect, I don’t know what is…

Crime statistics for the DC Metro area- Homicides for the first 6 months of 2011
DC (no concealed carry/limited ownership)- 55 homicides
Prince Georges Co. (MD ‘may issue’ or cold day in hell for a permit/home ownership okay- 58 homicides
Coming across the river to VA (shall issue)
Fairfax Co- 5 homicides
Arlington Co- 0 homicides

Interesting end quote from the PG Co Sheriff, “We’re working hard to reduce those rates and put the criminals behind bars.”

No interviews with either VA county… ย and NO comments about concealed carry… ย 


Interesting tidbit… — 13 Comments

  1. No correlation per MSM. Incarceration rates up, crime down. No correlation per MSM. Terrible,we have the “highest incarceration rate of any Western country.”

    Yes, I know I’m being a smart ass.

  2. Go check my blog for the Boston blood bath.

    The antis always say there will be blood in the streets.

    They never seem to notice its THEIR streets, and not the streets filled with lawful gun owners.

  3. I wish they would break down what KIND of Murder was done. Those 5 in Fairfax Co. for example. That could be one estranged Husband taking out his Family, while the DC rates could be Stop and Rob Store employees murdered by Crack Heads. Point is, we’ll never be able to stop those Jerks who want to Slaughter their Family, nor those Drug Dealers showing up to get their Cash from other Druggies, but Muggers and Store Robbers and Attempted Rapes, you bet CCW reduces it.

    BTW, some correlation. When I was Stationed down in Dam Neck in the 80’s, I was told by many people that if I came up to DC for the Weekend, that I shouldn’t stay in Arlington, because it was TOO Dangerous. This was BEFORE “Shall Issue.” Now you have 0 murders in THIS Economy? Something seems to match up, doesn’t it?

  4. I know where I would be moving to if given a choice though! The Gun Grabbers would say we just need more laws!

  5. THIS^^
    What Dannytheman said.

    When I moved out here in 2000, I checked the gun laws in all 3 areas. Even though I have family in MD, I excluded MD and DC from consideration. I drew a 40-mile arc on a map from the Potomac, to the Potomac, in VA. I did my house-hunting only inside that arc.

    Crime stats show correlation. If you have ever been to Alexandria/Arlington/Fairfax VA | Montgomery/Prince George’s County MD, the population demographics and densities are very similar. The crime rate is not.

  6. In recent years the corruption in the police ranks has loomed large in DC and MD as well.

    I love VA.

  7. The reason they don’t talk about the crime rate in context of concealed carry is because that doesn’t match the narrative.

    When I first moved to the area, WTOP use to be a good news station. Now it is just NPR with commercials and less content.

    Once again, I’m happy to be in Virginia.

  8. I also really wish when the antis put up their “homicide” stats to try and prove their blood in the streets line, they would be honest and try not to include “justifiable” homicides in their numbers. Oh, but who am I kidding?

  9. WSF- Sigh… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Weerd- Good post, and good point!

    Bubblehead- They didn’t break it down, but your point is a valid one!

    Marty- yep, and lots of CCW too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Danny- Point!

    Newbius- Yeah, but you’re just PARANOID ๐Ÿ™‚

    Marty/Andy/Stretch- All good points!

    45- But THAT would disprove their points…

  10. Who knew that the Potomac river prevented crime!

    DC is fun to mock, but I wouldn’t want to live there.