I was gonna post on various things going on, and I just got depressed, so to hell with it…
An old Burma Shave sequence from Rt. 66…
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment ,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!
And once and for all… MEN don’t do colors… Ladies, please take note…
And I’m far enough away for y’all NOT to be able to beat me… 🙂
I miss those things.
Old memory from many years ago.
There used to be a BurmaShave series in a restaurant’s yard here.
Those who drive/when they’ve been drinking/depend on you/to do their thinking. BurmaShave!
As to colors: if it’s not in the original Crayola-8, it doesn’t exist:
Just don’t wear THAT color shirt with THAT color pants!
I just sent the color chart to my wife!! She thinks I make this stuff up!!
Yep! your far enough away (-:
And I agree with the “family dog” theory but I do have just a couple of male friends that “do colors” more so than I.
i think Chris is more color-aware than most. he’s also more into clothes than most guys, so i’m sure they’re linked.
Liked the Burma Shave signs while growing up. Didn’t like the product when I got old enough to use it.
Agree with ZerCool.
My Word Verification for this reply is “iditers”. Wonder if that is a subtle message?
That colour is just so TRUE 🙂
Ahhhhh laughter is good. I asked my guy if we could do a focal wall in rust. He wanted to know why I wanted to smear dirty metal on the wall, hehehe.
I think the verification fairy watches Harry Potter. Mine is excigeo.
All of it the truth too.
I once tried to buy a pair of gloves for my wife. I asked the woman at the counter for a pair of red leather gloves.
She replied they did not carry red leather gloves.
When I pointed at them on display, she informed me they were rasberry not red.
I wanted to hose her down and say this is not Mace, this is OC!
Carve it in Granite and drop the rock somewhere everyone can read it. You’re spot on.
Thanks for the pick me up. I need that, but it did cause a flashback to my stint as a paint department manager at hardware store.
Sent shivers down my spine…..
WV. infixm – you can’t infixm them women folk, so why even try.
LOL! Yeah the color thing is dead on it!
Skul- Yep, I remember them too!
Zer- Good one, and yeah, Crayola was IT! 🙂
PH- Yep, that works too 🙂
Danny- What can we say???
SS- interesting 🙂
Laura- if he does pink shirts, we need to talk to him… Just sayin… 🙂
WSF- Concur!
Julie- Yep!
Lila- I’m afraid I’d have said the same thing…LOL
ADM- Yep 🙂
Gerry- Ah yes… female salespersons…
LL- yep!
Joshkie- I cannot imagine that!
Keads- Agreed!
Miss Clairol gives their hair dyes names like Frivolous Fawn and Madcap Minx. It’s important for we gals to know the difference. Men are lucky that “Just For Men” makes it easy – you have your choice of brown or black!
The color chart is great.
Loved Gerry’s pepper spray line.
Mrs. C- You have a point 🙂
Andy- Concur!!! 🙂
No pink shirts, but I do still use a Burma Shave shaving brush 🙂
The color thing is true, sadly. I had to step in for my father before he made a MAJOR bathroom color descion that would have sent my mother into a coniption fit.
I don’t trust my husband to dress himself, either…I must have final approval on his outfit before we cgo out in public!
Chris- That’s good 🙂
MM- We (us guys) KNOW better than to step out the door without approval 🙂
Old, this is one of the reasons why men don’t mind uniforms, be they military or (say) Black Tie. Everything is specified in advance, and every guy wears the same stuff. Teh Wimminz seem offended if some other wummun wears a similar frock.
WV: flutpit. I don’t know what that is, but it seems right nasty.
The dude is completely just, and there is no suspicion.