More on Gunwalker (Project Gunrunner) Scandal…

Bored and up early, I was wandering the interwebz this morning and happened across THIS

IBD article- The Stimulation Of Murder

Right there in the stimulus bill that no one in Congress bothered to read is $10 million for Project Gunrunner (aka Operation Fast and Furious), which resulted in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and increased drug cartel violence.

Right there in the “shovel ready” stimulus, no black humor intended, is a provision for $40 million for “state and local law enforcement assistance” along our border with Mexico and in high drug-trafficking areas, “of which $10 million shall be transferred to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, salaries and expenses for the ATF Project Gunrunner.”

Attorney General Eric Holder’s “I know nothing” imitation of TV’s Sgt. Schultz has evaporated with the discovery of an April 2, 2009, speech to authorities in Cuernavaca, Mexico, in which he took Gunrunner credit for himself and the rest of the Obama administration…

During an interview with a Univision reporter that aired in March, Obama said he was “absolutely not” informed about the ATF program that deliberately funneled guns into Mexico. “I did not authorize it,” he said. “Eric Holder, the attorney general, did not authorize it. He’s been very clear that our policy is to catch gunrunners and put them into jail.”

So… Killing people was a Stimulus Project??? 

Sure as hell looks like it, and it’s obvious from the speech that Holder no only KNEW about it but TOOK CREDIT!!!

And Obamallama claims nobody knew nothing?  I don’t think so… It’s time, in my opinion, for a special prosecutor and turn ’em loose!


More on Gunwalker (Project Gunrunner) Scandal… — 14 Comments

  1. This gets better and better doesn’t it. Add the fluff talk about reducing debt and blah blah not fixing crap and they all get worse by the minute. So sick of it. I am about to just stop reading political news. It is more depressing than crime.

  2. Just when I think this administration can not get any lower, they sink to being whale shit at the bottom of the sea.
    So much for me being naive anymore!

  3. Absolutely! We can’t get rid of BO through Impeachment. The dem controlled senate would kill it.

    But, with a criminal investigation, we can send’em to jail. There’s no executive immunity for felonies.

  4. While I don’t want a repeat of the Kenneth Starr debacle, all I can say is “Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!”.

  5. HillBuzz is following this closely, too – being as the ‘homestead’ for HB is Chicago, they know a LOT more about Øbama than the American public in general knew before the election of 2008 ……………….. I know of some who will rip Dubya up one side & down the other for his mistakes in the WH, but continue to sing Lauds to Øbama & Co., when Ø & Co. have proven themselves liars time & again – I just have to chalk it up to arrant stupidity, & the tribalism of “minorities” {the person in particular I know of is Hispanic} ………………….

    Semper Fi’

  6. This should be Obama’s Watergate.

    I believe Gunwalker was/is a true “wag the dog” scenario.

    The goal? Increase bloodshed in the insurgent war on our southern border. Further erode Second Amendment rights by renewing the assault weapon ban (or more). The Obama administration was already trying to float the meme that 90% of the arms in Mexico were smuggled from American gun shops.

    This government is at war. Free, independent citizens are it’s enemy.

  7. When US Agents die, more have to be hired. I’m sure that was why they tacked it onto the stimulus bill instead of simply funding it out of the DOJ budget…

    The icy fingers of the House Investigation are getting closer to Obama (sounds like something out of a Harry Potter movie where Obama is Lord Voldemort).

  8. Yeah, this was a “shovel ready” project, all right…

    …someone has to bury those who died who died by these weapons.