Just in time for Christmas…

Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma has just released Wastebook 2011, detailing the (at least) $6.5B in waste just this year…

The one that REALLY chaps my ass is the $35M for the conventions, whyinhell, if the parties are getting all these @#& donations, are WE having to pay for their conventions???

Examples of wasteful spending highlighted in “Wastebook 2011” include:
• $75,000 to promote awareness about the role Michigan plays in producing Christmas trees & poinsettias. (Yeah, right…)
• $15.3 million for one of the infamous Bridges to Nowhere in Alaska. (WTF?)
• $113,227 for video game preservation center in New York. (Why?)
• $550,000 for a documentary about how rock music contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union. (Yeah, right…)
• $48,700 for 2nd annual Hawaii Chocolate Festival, to promote Hawaii’s chocolate industry. (WTF?)
• $350,000 to support an International Art Exhibition in Venice, Italy. (Why?)
• $10 million for a remake of “Sesame Street” for Pakistan. (Why again?)
• $35 million allocated for political party conventions in 2012. (YGTBSM!)
• $765,828 to subsidize “pancakes for yuppies” in the nation’s capital. (Dems Pandering to the Base?)
• $764,825 to study how college students use mobile devices for social networking. (Dems Pandering to the Base?)
And in the mean time, the Super-committee fell on it’s ass, so now we will see massive cuts in the military to pay for entitlements while our military and defense gets cut to the bone…
And the Obamallama and family will spend in the neighborhood of $5M on their 17 day vacation, since they traveled separately, and have changed locations, and are putting their entourages up in high end hotels (which don’t have government rate rooms enough for everyone)…
My mantra for 2012 is Re-Elect = NONE 
As far as I’m concerned, we need to get rid of every damn one of those congresscritters, impose term limits and start over…  
It’s no longer funny, we ARE becoming a second tier, if not third tier country in just a few short years; all due to partisanship on BOTH sides of the isle and congresscritters that simply don’t give a shit about either the people OR the country, they ONLY care about lining their own pockets…


Just in time for Christmas… — 18 Comments

  1. Amen!
    I’m tired of all these folks being elected on a ‘transparency’ platform, then hiding stuff and attaching to the government teat!
    Vote ’em ALL out!

  2. The airport at Sitka is on an island, and you have to take a boat ride to get to town. I admit the cost of the bridge is too high, but I understand why they want it.

  3. I’m in a throw them all out frame of mind meself these days. I suppose there may be a few that came in in 2010 that haven’t been contaminated, but the rest – out.

  4. A billion dollars here, a billion dollars there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.

    — Everett Dirksen
    That is exactly how Congress thinks.

  5. • $10 million for a remake of “Sesame Street” for Pakistan. (Why again?)

    What? So it can be a licensed actual Elmo teaching kids to blow themselves up instead of a crapy ripped off version?

  6. Pissed- Sorry bout that…

    Matt- Agree

    Guffaw- You’re right!

    Rev- Agree, but the real $$ are down in Anchorage…

    PH- I’m not even happy with the 2010 class..

    WSF- Exactly!

    Keads/DB- Agreed

    Karl- We’re not “their” class of folks…

    Joshkie- Yep

    Andy- Probably

  7. OldNFO.. don’t apologize I like the fact that great minds think alike and we get aggravated about the same things!!

    We are on the same team 🙂

  8. I’m a waste. Oh, no, I meant I’m wasted! I get confused so easily.


  9. What about the 4 Billion (with a “B”) we send to Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia of all places. You know, they need TONS of free cash.

  10. Growing up my dad (a fellow mustang) always said. Vote out the incumbents.

    I have yet to find any serious fault with this logic.