One to think about…

After reading the headlines about the US soldier who shot up
Afghanistan civilians, I couldn’t help noticing an irony. There is
all this clamor (SecDef) to try this guy quickly and execute him, never mind his having suffered a traumatic brain injury.

Yet Major Hasan, who shot up Fort Hood while screaming Allah Akbar, still hasn’t stood trial, and they are still debating whether
he was insane, even with the clear evidence regarding his motive:
slay as many infidels as possible. So we have a guy in a war zone
who cracks, and he must be executed immediately.

But this Muslim psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders 13, wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome, from
listening to real soldiers who had actual battle experience.

Two and a half years later, they still haven’t tried the murderous bastard.

This is NOT the military I served in…  Just sayin…


One to think about… — 20 Comments

  1. Astan vets (at least lower ranks) are saying “right on”: we need to do more of it.

    The Ft Hood murderer? That will be stalled forever, with the idea people will forget about it.

  2. Not to mention that the guy yelled “Allahu Akbar!” as he was gunning people down. “Workplace violence” my patooty.

  3. There may be more to this SSgt. Bales episode than meets the eye (or reported news).
    It might be in someone’s best interest to get rid of him ASAP.
    Just thinkin’ out loud, here.

  4. I’ve been having similar thoughts, but you put it much better than I could.

    Hasan will never see the inside of a courtroom. Obama will make it his job to make sure he’s found insane so that the embarrassment goes away.

  5. When the Commander-in-Chief is a closet Muslim, things just work differently…

  6. I neither recognize, nor can I much longer support the politicized military machine that modern politics has built. It’s dangerous in the extreme, and extremely unpredictable.

  7. MC/Fuzzy- Yep…

    WSF- Probably, dammit…

    PH- True, but that wasn’t ‘verified’… sigh

    Linda- I know!

    DT- I just find it interesting that all kinds of ‘details’ are coming out about him, but Hasan has NEVER been outed like this!

    DB- Thanks, and you’re probably right!

    LL- Ain’t it though…

    Rev- And it’s coming apart at the seams…

  8. I deleted my first post because it turned into a novel and used way, way too many words that Roy Rogers would never have used.

    Suffice it to say, this subject struck a huge nerve with me.


  9. …i don’t think i realized the douchecanoe psych hadn’t been tried. this is disgusting.

  10. Most folks don’t realize the far reaching effects of TBI. “So he got hit in the head? Big whoop” is the general mentality.

    TBIs can cause changes that aren’t seen for years.

    As to the politics of the situation- the whole deal is FUBAR.

  11. AOA- Sorry, didn’t mean to trip you off…

    Laura- Point…

    Snigs- Yep, TBI is STILL not well understood, because formerly ‘few’ survived it…

    Tim/drjim- True on BOTH counts!

    Andy/agirl- Yep agree

    Anne- I’m not going away…

  12. Our pore put-upon soldier from Fort Hood had PRE-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from listening to the returning soldiers. Sort of like watching “Coming Home” too many times.
    Also, isn’t there the white guy factor? He’s held to the adult standard.