And we’re funding DHS WHY???

It seems there is some ‘additional’ fallout from the SCOTUS decision that leaves part of the AZ immigration law in effect…

Yesterday after the decision was announced, DHS directed ICE to revoke their 287G agreement with Arizona.  What is 287G?

Well you can go HERE; but in a nutshell, it’s this-

The 287(g) program, one of ICE’s top partnership initiatives, allows a state and local law enforcement entity to enter into a partnership with ICE, under a joint Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), in order to receive delegated authority for immigration enforcement within their jurisdictions.

So effectively DHS will no longer accept any immigration enforcement actions from Arizona, e.g. if they DO stop illegals, rather than being able to call ICE, now unless they take the illegals and dump them on ICE’s doorstep (and maybe not even then) will ICE take the illegals for detention/deportation…

All I can say is WTFO???

Sigh…  WHY are these people determined to destroy the USA???


And we’re funding DHS WHY??? — 10 Comments

  1. It’s simple. Obama lost in the Court and now he’s trying to do administratively what he couldn’t do in the Court.

    This is a big neener-neener for Arizona and should energize us all for November. This is what a second term will look like.

  2. If DHS isn’t going to do their job, the solution is simple: defund DHS. We have a big budget problem in this country and I think the American public will sympathize with a Congress cutting funding for any federal agency that has just decided not to work.

  3. Agree with Andy–if DHS refuses to do what is called for in their (federal) charter, then yank the funding.

    Congress could do this today–we have the votes.

    At the same time, since the federal government has declared war on Arizona, I think Arizona should declare war right back.

    Close Luke Air Force Base immediately, close Marana and take it back from the CIA. Every single federal gov’t employee working in the state of Arizona should be shown the border.

    The local and state police should forcibly close all federal offices, and Arizona’s comptroller should immediately seize all federal assets while immediately ceasing to send or forward any funds forward to Washington.

    In fact, ALL border states should do this.

    Oh, and in the meanwhile, word should go out to illegal aliens that they have exactly 12-hours to pack up and leave the U.S. Afterwards, WHEN we find you, you will either incarcerated as criminal invaders of our country.

    Those caught trying to sneak INTO the United States will be shot on sight and their bodies will be left for the coyotes and buzzards.

    If Mexico thinks they want a war, we’ll give you a war.


  4. The Department of H*rse Sh*t is the SS of our time with the perverts in blue shirt being the SA (historically known for being perverts).

    When you start looking at this in term of history, it all starts making sense.

  5. Paw- Yep…

    Andy- Agreed!

    AOA- THAT would get their attention, no question!

    Matt- Good point!

    Tim/Agirl- 🙂 yes he did!

  6. What have O and his minions done differently from a ComIntern cell?
    I can’t think of a thing.