
Snigs hits a home run with THIS post!!!  Plain talk, but dead on the money!  

I’m sick of it.  Nobody is SPECIAL.  Not heterosexuals, homosexuals, blacks, whites, Christians, non-Christians, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, men nor women.  NOBODY has the market cornered on being right.  You are no more right in your way of thinking than I am in my way of thinking.”


Truth!!! — 11 Comments

  1. I’m going to being out the Internerd on this one because I can’t stand moral relativism.

    Some people are WRONG, some people are RIGHT.

    Everyone’s opinion is not necessarily valid.

  2. simple participation or even lack of participation but a general intent to participate should make you a winner (thus entitled)…

  3. Alan, you ARE “right.” But BELIEVE me, bro — I am so right all the time (prior to Jameson #3, typicaly) that during waking hours, my cranium is in chronic pain from immersion is this world of rude, blathering, sick, lame, lazy, stupid, dumb & crazy higher primates, for starters. Weird thing is, I’m left-handed.

  4. I’m with Alan on this one. Although the quote certainly has some parts right.

    I’m pretty sure we can all agree that NAMBLA members are WRONG(all caps WRONG intended and justified).

  5. All- I probably should have just not posted the quote, just the link… There are some (like NAMBLA and pedofiles) that just need to be shot on sight…

  6. Whether opinions are valid to others or not does not lessen their validity to the one with the opinion. As the old saying goes- opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one & most of them stink.

    I was not going anywhere near opinions of rapists, child molesters, murderers, abusive spouses or parents, etc…

    My “rant” was initially posted only on facebook & generally aimed at folks who have claimed friendship with me, but spout general things such as “Republicans are teabaggers” when I’ve not called them ignorant fools, much less something as derogatory as “teabaggers” and those screaming for tolerance when they show none to others.

    I guess you could say I was voicing my opinion. If you don’t agree with it, I’m fine with that. It doesn’t lessen the importance of my opinion to me at all.


  7. “There are some (like NAMBLA and pedofiles) that just need to be shot on sight…”
    But you didn’t specify where, or how many times….

  8. BTW, While like Alan (et al) I don’t believe in moral relativism (as I doubt Snigs does either) I share her frustration (as mentioned above) with lefties who have no grace or restraint from all kinds of slander, and offer their own “moral superiority as a kind of bigotry in itself.
    Chick-Fil-A (referred to as Chick Felatio) was accused of pushing an agenda by a lefty “friend” on FB.
    I had to point out that the left was pushing their agenda and we were only responding.
    How do you argue with such people so blinded by their smug self-satisfied superiority?

  9. Ed: That’s most of humanity on either side of the political spectrum. It’s especially really really popular with religion.