Update on the Raffle for Tam

As of now, 1100 local CST over $1400 has been donated to the the Diamondback raffle, and Carteach has graciously donated a Glock 22 to the pool.  Another gent has donated both in cash and a $50 Cabelas gift certificate.  Phlegmmy has also donated a guns and roses necklace to the pool.

The “plan” if you want to call it that, after talking to Jay G, is that we will not upgrade the goal, but we will run the raffle until Thanksgiving and do the drawings then.  If you want to participate in multiple drawings, post it to Jay G or myself with the splits you want.  Jenn has graciously (after a little arm twisting or alcohol or the promise of same) agreed to assist us with databasing the entries and collating them.  She and Michael have also volunteered to do the drawing for us as an impartial third party. 

All I can say is THANK YOU for your generosity!!!  


Update on the Raffle for Tam — 8 Comments

  1. Thanks for the phone call last night from you and Phlegmfatale and the gang. And again today with an update for her. That meant a lot, though she’s still gonna stick with the “Brigid got me with the pepper spray in goose mountain” to explain any misty eyes.

  2. drjim- Yep

    John- You have a reply

    Keads- Thanks!

    Brigid- not “our” fault 🙂 Blame the community…

  3. What about those of us who don’t do
    Is there a way for the dinosaur
    contingent to get involved?