Got this from one of my friends in MD, it truly has to been seen to be believed…
This is a video of the MD house of Delegates judiciary committee and health/human services committee voting on the amendments for the Assault weapons bill. In the end All Pro 2nd amendment amendments to the bill were struck down on party lines.
One Pro 2A amendment passed but that didn’t fit the socialist script. Watch this (Someone in the Audience got the whole thing on video).
Delegate Smeigle proposes and amendment that would punish criminals who commit crimes with a gun, by preventing them from obtaining good behavior credits and actually serving time vs being let out.
The amendment passes. Its the only PRO 2A amendment to pass. So what happens? the Chairman decides he needs to have them re-vote (probably because that isn’t the way the Gov wanted it to go).
Some delegates leave and are taken into another room and are brought back out where they then changed their vote and the amendment fails.
An amendment to punish criminals FAILS in a “gun safety bill”
To me this just shows the ‘real’ agenda of the Dems and their willingness to violate procedure when things don’t go their way…
Sad state of affairs, and endemic of what is happening in politics today. A house divided WILL fall…
I remember from decades ago when I lived near the Peoples Republic of Maryland every year as the legislative session ended with a pile of bills unheard and/or unvoted on, the clock in the chamber would be unplugged at 5 minutes to midnight so it could be pretended that the legislative session had not ended. Ho,ho, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. All good sport in the legislative arena, and well reported in the accomplice media.
Egregious fraud, pure and simple, and had the Maryland legislature ever – and continually – been not thoroughly polluted by Dems and commies (but I repeat myself) such action would be decried as The End of Western Civilization.
There is a law of unintended consequences that they don’t understand – and don’t care to explore.
I see a bull market in tar and feathers. Politicians need to understand that there are more options than the ballot box.
Sharing the link to your post. I have some “friends” that NEED to read this.
Sounds similar to passage of Obamacare . . . . stimulus bill . . . various and sundary bail-out bills . . . . I think I detect a trend . . . .
I am sharing this, too, on my FB page (giving credit to your site). Why didn’t the people in the audience stand up and protest? Not politically correct to do so, I guess.
thanks for boosting the signal.
Sadly, this is more likely the norm for many state assemblies.
+1 to WSF. And the scary part is that they don’t care whether we know about it.
What- That is truly scary…
LL- Apparently it’s a ‘normal’ way of business… sigh
Paw- Can’t disagree!
Eric- Feel free!
Bill- Yep… dammit…
CP- No idea, and the real credit goes to Laura!
laura- Pissed me off, so I put this up in place of what I was going to post!
WSF/Rev- I’m beginning to think we need to do MORE filming of these turds in action and broadcasting it!!!
OMG! Its so stupid its almost comical.. Lets all punish the Good law abiding gun owner, but let off the ones who actually obtain them illegally and use them in a crime…
In the words of Fiona: “Can we shoot them?”
JUGM- True… sigh… And apparently NOT anything unusual over there…
Ed- I wish…
Kinda glad I’m moving far away from that state.
Their ideology is spreading southward into northern Virginia at a prodigous rate.
Good luck to you.
MSgt- I know… I know… sigh