Ye Gods and little fishes…
About the IRS scandal…
The law is IRRELEVANT???
In other questions, where in the world was BO???
Again the word IRRELEVANT??? Four Americans died, and they still won’t admit where BO was. Was he even IN the White House, or was he off at a campaign speech somewhere! Sigh…
Whereinhell do they get off saying this, in either case? Last time I looked, we still had those pesky little documents called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights…
Obviously this administration doesn’t believe the laws apply anymore (in more that just this instance)…
How did we get to this point???
We got complacent and let a snake in the hen house. (Not just BO, but way back it started slipping downhill & I believe most of us thought the pendulum would start swinging back the other way before it got this bad)
What Snigs said. We got complacent. We’re the children of the Greatest Generation, and we were spoiled. And while we were assuming everything would be OK and busy looking elsewhere the fox got in the hen house.
How did we get to this point? They progressives progressively turned up the heat in the frog pot. And we forgot to jump out.
America has turned into a slime pit of complacency. And we elect the likes of BHO. The president thinks that the Jedi mind trick will go on forever and he might be correct.
+1 All comments.
Yes what Snigs said.
I never ever imaged we would be here.
Nothing about any of this is IRRELEVANT? EVERYTHING about this in relevant. Where was he? Why wasn’t help sent? Was he practicing his speech… his golf swing? Looking over his staff to see who he could point the finger at this time? It is all relevant and he should have his feet held to the fire.
None of it is relevant to them, in their conceited self-importance. We sat back & let them steal our freedom; it remains to be seen whether enough of us are awake – now – to take it back.
Honestly, that’s in line with Obama’s entire view of the law. It’s irrevelant. Same belief is held by most of our legislators as well. Sign the “law” – see if it will withstand a SCOTUS test. Sad beyond words . . .
It’s not how we got to this point; it’s how do we step away from it?
Snigs/Agirl- Yep…
PH- Snakes AND foxes… sigh
LL- Yep!
WSF- Me too
CP- You’re right, but he’s teflon, all the crap just slides off…
Rev- Good point!
Bill- That it is… dammit…
Dave- I don’t know…
I’m afraid tha where he was is a distraction.
He’ll drag it out and after a long time, he’ll reveal he was in bed and we look like fools.
Yet, like moths…