Emily Miller at the Washington Times calls a spade a spade!!!
The New York Times has turned into a docile tool of anti-gun organizations. The newspaper hates firearms so much that it published a front page story with no news, but only decade-old testimony, in an attempt to blame gun manufacturers for recent mass shootings.
On Tuesday, the above-the-fold headline in the paper blared: “Gun Makers Saw No Role in Curbing Improper Sales.” The story was on the top right side, next to a large photo of a young mother holding her young son at her veteran husband’s grave at Arlington National Cemetery.
Not subtle.
Read the full article HERE.
Ms. Miller continues to publish excellent reports on the media and the games being played concerning guns and the gun culture. She’s also done, to this point, a three parter on the Gregory fiasco… HERE, HERE, and HERE.
This lady is doing a hellva job on not only DC but the rest of the antis out there!!!
Good to know there is one reporter, and one newspaper, that still upholds journalism. Thanks for sharing.
Yep, she certainly nails it. It’s like the 40% stat the anti crew keeps throwing around. Of course, when the facts don’t support your position – what else can you do.
Of all the journalists out there, Emily had certainly done some stellar work the past year. Nice to have her on the side of the truth . . .
Enjoy your shoot this weekend. Give a quick “Hi” to Shelby from Susie and me.
WSF- You’re welcome!
Bill- Yep! And done or Shelby!
Ima gonna marry that gal yet.
I do like Emily Miller. She pops up on Andy Park’s radio show regularly.
She’s become quite the powerful ally.