Obummercare reality check…

My daughters are still in Kalifornia, and I’m doing EVERYTHING I can to get them to move…

And Paramedic (pregnant) daughter went to her check up yesterday and there was a sign on the office door of the clinic (which is on the hospital complex)-

Attention patients with COMMERCIAL INSURANCE:

If you have commercial insurance then your visit today will be billed as an OUTPATIENT PROCEDURE of the hospital.

The cost of the visit will be applied to your deductible.

When she asked, she was told, “Oh, if you have Medi-Cal or Medicaid, it’s not charged to you…

In digging around I found this article in Forbes…

“Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. “These rates are way below the worst-case gloom-and-doom scenarios we have heard,” boasted Peter Lee, executive director of the California exchange. But the data that Lee released tells a different story: Obamacare, in fact, will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.”

Full article HERE.

When she went on line and looked at the insurance costs vs. what she and her hubby have now, even the BASIC coverage will go up by almost 100% FOR EACH OF THEM!

Look at your hole card folks, 2014 is gonna get UGLY… dammit…


Obummercare reality check… — 11 Comments

  1. Bad news for those with full time jobs. Disaster for those without. What a choice! Less than full time with no benefits, or no job at all.

  2. I’m about to the point of claiming 9 dependents and telling them all to go to Hell. If I could only get a few million to do the same, I’m thinking someone in Washington would pay attention to the sudden lack of funds.

  3. My health insurance cost as a retired state employee here in California was negotiated by our safety employee union. We gave up pay raises to get this benefit; I assume this will have to be re-negotiated before the current occupant of the White House and his flying monkeys crap all over something we earned.

    I am curious as to what, if any, increase we will see.

  4. How far we’ve come, to think that an economic crash which brings down the government might be an improvement …

  5. And a very high percentage of doctors are planning to retire because they don’t want to work in the system.

    It will be interesting – Obama’s socialist wet dream has splashed on us all.

  6. The latest “Weekly Standard” goes further into this as the IRS will be in charge of Obamacare.
    Just a 100% each?

  7. WSF- That it is…

    Jess- That ONLY works if you’re one of the ‘chosen’ ones…

    Bob- Sadly, I think you’re going to see a significant increase!

    Rev- True!

    LL- My doc is pulling the plug at Thanksgiving… dammit…

    Olde- If they want the ‘Cadillac’ coverage, it would go up by over 200%!!!

    Tim- True, but you can bet they will have the AMA, IRS, FTC, et al all over his ass…

    Rick- True!

  8. Hell, this year ours went up 85% and that was after dropping $200/month in charges off (the smoking fee of $50 a piece & the $100 fee for me turning down insurance at my place of business). Double the current premiums would *almost* be cost-INeffective. If the husband didn’t have heart troubles & diabetes, we’d be better off without insurance. >.<