Sadly, link cleaning…

I really hated to do it, but I’ve been cleaning up the blog links, as it seems some good folks have just flat quit posting.  Hate to do it, but it was time to clean house. Added Erin P (Lurking Rhythmically) , she’s got a good, funny blog from a female perspective and is also a shooter!


Sadly, link cleaning… — 10 Comments

  1. Erin IS funny and trying to organize a “Deep South Blogshoot on FB right now. I promise to get back to gunnie stuff soon!

  2. ED- LOL, I’m not…

    LL- I know, but 6 months without a post, there’s no reason to leave them up…

    Keads- I know we all have lives, see above…

    Brighid- Mea Culpa, I ‘thought’ I’d added you last year… now fixed!

    CP- LOL

    Skip- Added you too, sorry… sigh…

  3. OMG! I so humbly apologize for my remark about The List(it was meant in jest). I thought I sent it to you in an e-mail, obviously I have work to do on thinking!

  4. DB- Ah shaddap… 🙂

    Brighid- Don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff… 🙂