What the hell???

ON the 4th of July no less???

I can’t embed the video from Fox 11 in LA, so go HERE.

LAPD, LASO, TSA, multiple undercover officers???

So my question is was this ‘targeted’ or just a ‘generic’ drill?  And how widespread was this?

On the 4th of freaking JULY???

Or is this the next step anytime there is a ‘public’ celebration of our ‘freedom’?  Apparently both the Boston Pops and the Mall in DC had HEAVY security and were routinely searching bags/people yesterday and last night.

Is this really what we’ve come to???  I truly hope not!!!

Edit- But apparently so… Richfield, MN canceled their carnival that has been going for a long time HERE.

And the PPP sent me THIS last night…


Edit 2- And apparently they came after TJIC AGAIN yesterday, THIS from Tam…


What the hell??? — 13 Comments

  1. There must have been 20,000-30,000 people at the regional park where our Independence Day celebration was held in Southern California. Though I sat in a crowd of off-duty police officers, the whole gathering was extremely patriotic and very polite. Even though California is considered to be a “blue state” there are a lot of red patches, particularly in Orange County.

  2. This is not where we’ve come to; this is where we are right now. We still have a long way to go before the house to house ‘security checks’ begin, where everyone will be fingerprinted, photographed and issued an official Federal ID card.

    Oh, and if you have a firearm, knife, blunt instrument or anything else that could be construed to be a weapon, that item will be duly recorded, confiscated and held for safe keeping.

    Then they’ll shoot your dog.

  3. The 4th on the Mall in DC is always the biggest security turn out of the year. You are working, on standby or on call. The work up began weeks before and the brass in every department or agency in the area were on pins and needles till the last folks made it home.

  4. Dammit. Where’s the next new world and where do I signup for the boat?

    As a Minneapolis resident, working to get out of this city, I’ll have to think long and hard about looking in Richfield. MA has made it clear I’m not supposed to go there. CA? Falling into the ocean isn’t happening fast enough.

    Since Orwell was right, maybe Heinlein could be too? I’d join the Loonies. 2075 is a long way away though…

  5. They’ve got to justify their toys and budgets somehow.

    They get better media coverage on a high-visibility day like the 4th of July. This way they’re shown to be “doing something”.

    While its likely not the right or an effective something, it’s something.

  6. Again, we are in this state simply because of Liberal thinking and Liberal changing and making weak laws in favor of the guilty. And Turlock is in California, you wanna bet that the purps speak Spanish as a first language? I believe that if the good people of Turlock had a few good citizens armed that night and put a few of the fuckers down, they won’t have that problem next year.

  7. Remember “Racial Cleansing”?
    This is like “Free Person Cleansing”.
    By governmental threat, they are driving out citizen patriots to remove any threat to their position.
    Oh, that we had a federal guarantor of our constitutional rights.

  8. Yeah, my scanner was all lit up with that, including a *lot* of encrypted stuff.

    It’s interesting how you find LEO activity on the channels that would normally be used by the street-sweepers and street maint crews.

  9. LL- THAT is good to hear, and did y’all hear anything about the ‘exercise’ yesterday???

    MJ- In MD now you HAVE to get fingerprinted to even apply to buy a gun, so they are a step ahead, otherwise, yep exactly right! Dammit…

    Gerry- Yeah, but it’s STILL an awful lot of over-reach (my opinion), since they NEVER go to those lengths for the MM march or anything like that…

    ACZ- Yep… sigh

    Aaron- You DO have a point!

    CP- NO bet… and concur

    Ed- Yep, and we’re losing…

    drjim- Not surprised, and I’d be ‘marking’ those channels for later…

    WSF- Probably!