Quotes from the week…

Finally back home and CONNECTIVITY…. sigh…

Week of meetings- Random quotes and ‘overheard’ statements…

“I wonder where my hatchet is?” after an hour of circling a question and then a decision to ‘table’ the question…

“It’s $300 every six months. Yeah, $800 a year sounds about right.  Whut???”

“Is he going to be disappointed?  Dunno, don’t care; he’s my boss, not my Daddy.”

“My guys are clueless.”  “The girls?” “NOT going there…”

“I’m not prepared to die on ‘that’ hill today!”

“We’re going on an anniversary trip too.”  “When is that?” “I dunno…”

“If they could just make veggies out of beef…” Two women talking about dieting during a break.

ONLY good thing about the week?

I got to have lunch with Navy One and Lil’ Chantilly!!! That made the whole trip worth it! Great folks and a very pleasant interlude in an otherwise PITA week.


Quotes from the week… — 8 Comments

  1. “We’re going on an anniversary trip too.” ”When is that?” “I dunno…”

    He better figure that one out quick or death on a hill will raise its head…

  2. “It’s $300 every six months. Yeah, $800 a year sounds about right. Whut???”

    You were in a meeting with a Congresscritter?

  3. I suppose there were comments in the meetings I attended but I didn’t forgo the nap to listen. Even in the meetings I called.

  4. Keads- Yeah, truly makes you wonder doesn’t it… sigh

    PH- Yep… 🙂

    WSF- Pretty close…

    CP- LOL

  5. I’ve got some ear plugs if you want them. The new Remington earplugs don’t work too well, so I’m going back to my earmuffs.

  6. My week was not that bad, even enjoyable, and YOU were still the best part! Glad you made it home safe – and I love how you entertained yourself in your meetings, people say some funny things. (I do happen to think the veggies made out of meat would be a great idea! Ha ha!)

  7. Mark- I was ‘supposedly’ paying attention… Ear plugs would kinda give it away… 🙂

    Lil- Tank you, tank you!!! And that would be interesting, hell they make everything else out of tofu, why not ‘repurpose’ meat the same way???