Tanks Anyone???

August 17-18, 2013 out South of Manassas, VA

Link HERE.

Any of the DC area folks interested, let me know the day you’d prefer and maybe we can get some folks together.  I told them I’d let them know next week. $10 donation requested.

Looks like fun, and I’m looking at Saturday the 17th…

If you’re interested, let me know in comments.


Tanks Anyone??? — 19 Comments

  1. I’m up for Saturday.
    The Zombie Response Vehicle should be fixed by then, so anticipate an appearance. Unfortunately, it won’t be at Ma-Rooned’s showing in a couple of weeks. Damn transmission.

  2. I’m in! Been years since I was there. And I now have a good camera.

  3. WN- Rgr all!

    Stretch- Got ya.

    WSF- That it is!

    Keads- Yep!

    CP- It’s a ‘day’ trip… 🙂

    Suz- Come join us!

  4. No tanks, I am in still in San Diego. (Unless you can drive one out here?) Tanks for the offer. . .

  5. Darn, I’m too far West, but come to think of it, I could go down to the corpsman’s and watch the tanks on base in realtime. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to have his granny visit!!!

  6. Yeah. One more outing before I move back to Hooterville. Count me in, either day is fine.

  7. I would love to, but it’s too far for me. Looks like a great way to spend a day!

  8. Murph- Rgr all!

    N1- Shaddap… 😀

    Brighid- Go do it!

    Suz- Nice, looking forward to meeting you! As soon as we get a consensus on days, I’ll do another post!

    Dirk/Rick- Understood

    SR- Probably two out of three… 🙂

  9. I wish I was there. I’ve always thought the Army is leaving money on the table by not putting a few old tanks up for rental at the qualification ranges down at Fort Knox, now that they’re not being used.