They’re BACK… Sigh…
The Dammit post elicited over 100 spams, prior week average of 2 a day. AND I get maybe 1 spam a week on my email, after that one 10 within 24 hours…
You can say what you want, but I’m to the point I’m beginning to believe if you put up something negative to the administration, you’re going to get slammed…
I can’t put it any other way. I guess at this point it’s becoming poster beware…
You may be right … but it’s still worth it. If we stop speaking our minds, we may not get another chance to do so.
There is no love like Spammy-Love. <3
You get more flak when you are over target.
If you have UNIX, you can traceroute the ba$tards and do flak suppression.
+1 Rev. Paul
opus06 has a point. I seem to recall from somewhere way back when that if you started getting shot at, there were probably some Charlies around… I doubt that times have changed that much, just the names.
Are you saying Dammit is a key word that triggers spam?
I’ll have to use that word more often. Or maybe be more pointed that Obama sucks more than a Dyson and his supporters are fools – I haven’t been hit. You must be lucky.
Rev/WSF- yeah…
Opus- Ain’t THAT the damn truth!
LL- I think I’m going to have to go to Ubuntu.
Ian- Yeah, true that!!!
Brighid- No, it’s the content… I think they are keyword searching.
PH- LOL, don’t know if I’d call it lucky or not. 😀
I and other folks are seeing many double entry coments lately.
Most of my spam hits are on a couple of older posts highly critical of Obama, more so than normal.
Ed- Yeah, I can believe it.