True Colors???

Dems appear to be showing their true colors/affiliations… To me this is just unconscionable… 

During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing about Benghazi Thursday on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left the room and refused to listen to the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods. Ms. Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, an information management officer killed in the 9/11 Benghazi attack. Charles Woods is the father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was also killed.

Gotten from HERE.

If it were me, I’d drag Hillary’s fat ass back and put her under oath, along with every one of the CIA folks.  Those families AND we the people deserve to know the truth.

Unconfirmed list of those that walked out.  If any of them are yours, I’d be calling and asking some questions… Have they no respect???
Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Danny Davis (IL-7)
Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Gerald E. Connolly (VA-11)
Jim Cooper (TN-5)
John Tierney (MA-6)
Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)
Peter Welch (VT)
Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Steven Horsford (NV-4)
Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
William Lacy Clay (MO-1)

h/t Brighid


True Colors??? — 13 Comments

  1. There’s not a one of those congresscritters who deserve to be there. Disrespecting the testimony of a mother whose son was killed in the defense of a US consulate is unconscionable and unforgivable. If anyone … ANYONE … still thought that the Dimocrits aren’t trying to cover up the Benghazi affair, this should open their eyes. It’s clear that they’re never ever going to let the truth be told.

  2. I’m to the point I don’t want them just out of office. I want them punished for their evil actions. My suggestion is 20 years hard labor.

  3. +1 Rev. Paul. Put this story on my Facebook pages last night. One Progressive friend commented, “I need more proof.” Gave her the Google links. Even a die hard Progressive like her is appalled.

  4. Interesting to see that “Uber-Veteran” Tammy Duckworth refused to honor the memory of her Fellow Former Vets who went down fighting at Benghazi.

    Hope someone up in her District calls her out on it.

    Over and over and over…..

  5. They are Democrats, cowardice, rudeness, disrespect to the families and the law is ingrained in their makeup. They have no balls.

  6. I don’t care what excuse they had. A government cock-up killed 4 people, at least one after torture. At bare minimum, the parents of those who died are owed a respectful hearing.

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    Why am I not surprised..It seems boorish manners is something that is taught to democrats, it must be in their prep school or something..”Douchebag 101″ or something. Anything that might reflect poorly on the chicago messiah or his possible successor must be squashed. Gotta control the information so us unwashed bloggers don’t get wind of this stuff and try to embarass threm or call them out on it.

  8. Sadly, my Congressman is on that list. I haven’t figured out what I’m going to write to him, but I am going to write to him.

    Not that it will matter. He drank the Democrat Kook Aid and is dead to me.