Illustrated Guide to Gun Control…

Gleefully stolen from HERE. And Lawdog posted it HERE.

Lawdog did the words that were then taken by DS and turned into the graphic presented below…

lawdog gun control

The only thing I can say is KUDOS both to Lawdog for distilling the whole argument down to just a few well chosen words, and the folks (and DS the artist) at Hypocrisy and Stupidity of Gun Control Advocates for putting this in a graphic EVEN the left can understand…

And folks, this IS the reality of what is going on right now… Plain and simple…


Illustrated Guide to Gun Control… — 6 Comments

  1. Many years ago when I was a young hellion, my own dear mother taught me not to fight. Fighting never solved anything, she said. Fighting is bad. Do not break the neighbor boy’s nose.

    My Uncle John taught me that there was a lot of truth in what Mom said (Auntie Quakerlife said the same thing) – however, there were exceptions. There were, in fact, certain things worth fighting about, and winning that fight would solve some problems.

    Freedom, you see. In particular, freedom from tyranny. That was worth fighting about.