Pandora’s Box is now open for business…

Well, the Dems have done it now they exercised the ‘nuclear option’ in the Senate…

Today’s Democrats have grown up in the Saul Alinsky tradition, and on Thursday they proved it with a partisan vote to break the Senate filibuster rule for confirming judges and executive-branch nominees. The new rules will empower the party’s liberals for as long as they control the White House and Senate, but they will also set a precedent for conservatives to exploit in the future.

Full article from the WSJ HERE.

I am sure Harry Reid and his sheep in the Democratic Party think this was a great move. But in reality, its a perfect example of an unchecked, abusive, 51% majority, hell bent on imposing its will and values on a 49% minority, and thereby taking us one step closer to a massive civil rebellion. Its the equivalent of Pearl Harbor on the Senate floor, i.e. short term gain at the expense of “waking the sleeping giant.”

Informed voters can still communicate their displeasure, and make a difference in the near future. But if the 49% continue to vote and regularly come up just a little short, and they continue to be trampled by the 51% while being expected to carry and increasing percentage of the financial load, it is going to get really ugly.  Problem is, we are quickly running out of “informed” voters.

Judicial nominees? That’s just the beginning for BO and Reid. Drunk on perceived power, I believe they will soon expand the simple majority rule to other issues.  Fortunately, at least for the time being, there are still some checks provided by the House. I can hardly wait to hear Dingy Harry squeal like a baby when the shoe is on the other foot.

BO is going to claim he didn’t know anything about Reid’s intentions and that he only learned of the vote on The Evening News just like the rest of us. After all, he was against it before he was for it.

Republicans – How dare you do to us EXACTLY to us now what we tried to do to you before.

Democrats – Quit crying about EXACTLY what we cried about.

I can’t help but wonder if it may be a good time to pull back a bit and position oneself a little more “off grid”.  Concentrating on getting your things together at home to be self-sufficient and largely invisible may be a good thing moving forward.


Pandora’s Box is now open for business… — 11 Comments

  1. it is never a bad idea to prepare. like CA people need an extensice earthquake kit, this can be modified for any grid down situation. water is key. a trash can in the garage can be filled with gallon bottles from any store. camp stove w extra propane. canned food.

    i was a victim of the CA wildfire 5 years ago. there was no fire service for 2 hours, because 200 homes caught fire at the same time. i no longer trust that the authorities can be there for us. we must be our own first responders.

  2. Good advice there at the end, but that whole “largely invisible” thing is gonna be tough for all us bloggers.

  3. Here’s to this jumping up and biting them in the a$$ down the line.

  4. You don’t have to be a political genius to know the rules will be reset the day before Congress’ Christmas Recess 2015. 2014 if they lose the Nov. 14 elections.

  5. And now my Senator Harkin wants to extend this to legislation as well . . . what could possibly go wrong??

  6. Opus- Exactly!

    WSF- Understood, and I’m guessing 4th gen is right… sigh

    Rev- I know, I know…

    PH- Hopefully them not us…

    Stretch- Probably!

    Bill- Oh hell no!

  7. Wise advise OldNFO, very wise. Being the grey or gray man in plain sight is very good advice.

  8. Today’s Wall Street Journal (Sat,23d)has an article that makes it clear that the President actively leaned on some fence-sitters to get them to vote for the changes. He knew, oh, boy howdy did he know.