“My” Christmas present (to my self)…

Earlier this year Les browbeat tricked, gave me a sob story; yeah, yeah, that’s it… And sold me a 1940s era original Colt .22 upper conversion kit for a 1911.

I put it on the Ed Brown and it was a tad ‘loose’ but shot well.  I was chatting with Joe the gunsmith (threezerozerosix (at) gmail.com) , and wondered if he ever ran across Colt frames…

And it went downhill from there… Smile

Have you EVER tried to find a plain Colt 1911 frame?  Good frikkin luck!!!

So he finally runs across one, I picked it up, and he assembled the pistol and tuned it for me.  Due to scheduling issues, I wasn’t around for him to ship it until last week, so today I hauled it out to Virginia Arms and filled out the paperwork, figuring I ‘might’ be able to get it next week (I never clear on the same day)…

Low and behold, I cleared in under four hours!!!

So here it is…

And no the finishes don’t match, the slide is polished and the frame is matte; but frankly I don’t give a damn, it’s ALL Colt…

1911 22 left

Here’s the right side…

1911 22 right

And close ups of the slide left side


Right side


And damn near the hardest part was finding TWO spare .22 Colt mags…


One more picture of Jace, in his Navy camo… Smile  Daughter’s gonna kill me for that one…


Tomorrow it’s back to the gun show in a most probably fruitless search for ammo…

I did meet up with The Miller and New Jovian Thunderbolt today at the show for a bit, and both are doing well, and we all bitched about the prices… Sorry I had to bolt early, but I wanted to at least attempt to get the pistol today!


“My” Christmas present (to my self)… — 12 Comments

  1. I have one but it is currently not working.
    Used it for years to practice on an indoor range for
    summer bowling pin shooting. It offered the same trigger as my .45 and a bit more recoil to control than other .22 pistols.

    Mine would not work long with lead bullets. Plated stuff,
    particularly Remington “Golden Bullet” rounds worked a lot

  2. Art- Thanks!

    MC- Yep… 😀

    Leon- Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Right now I’d be happy with ANY #%#@ .22 rounds… sigh

  3. very cool all colt training setup.

    Questions, does your grandsons navy camo go orange when wet?

  4. Navy camo. Easily one of the stupidest things ever invented. You don’t need to hide if you fall overboard. You need to be seen. How about blaze orange and yellow camo with water activated flotation and lights? That would make more sense.

    And let’s not even talk about the material it’s made from. It designed to kill someone in the event of a shipboard fire.

    Also, awesome pistol and cute kid.

  5. Rev- Zilch on the ammo, but one did follow me home…

    dagamore- Thanks! Nope, but I wish… 🙂

    Skip- Thanks, and 😛

    ASM- That it was, almost as bad as polyester… Thanks for the rest!

    WSF- Agreed!!!