Military retiree pay cut…

Well, the Senate bent us over, and we’re not even getting kissed…

Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked a Republican attempt to restore military pensions cut in last month’s budget deal, denying a vote that would save up to $20 billion by closing a loophole that allows tax refunds to go to illegal aliens.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.) called an effort by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) to repeal the military retiree cuts “fiddling while Rome burns.”

Full article HERE from the Free Beacon…

h/t JP


Military retiree pay cut… — 17 Comments

  1. Boxer and her ilk need a good coat of tar and feathers and then hung from a lamp post and beat like a pinata. That includes all of the RINO assholes too.

  2. “fiddling while Rome burns.”

    And Boxer, Feinstein, and all their ilk are the ones who started the fire!

  3. You military guys deserve this, according to a majority of Congress, because you refuse to be dependent on the government, don’t worship Gaia, are here legally, and don’t lust after members of your own gender 24/7.

    Any time you’re ready to get that revolution going, I’m in.

  4. They’ve played with fire to the point they will be burned. Being in the military crosses all political lines. When those that served are treated with less respect than illegal aliens, the push-back will end in the careers of people that should be tried for their errors in judgement.

  5. If all the money that went to fund school, housing, medical care and tax benefits to people in this country illegally, a huge bit of the budget crises in many states would cease.

  6. Robert/Jim- Can’t disagree at all…

    Murph- Get well first!

    Jess- At least one hopes…

    Brigid- Oh so true… dammit.

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    I used to believe that being in the Military was a good career, I know, I tried but got “RIF’ed” after my return from the Sandbox,in 1991, something about promotion points being maxed out and told by personel that my MOS was “Balanced” so I couldn’t reclassify. But I digress. I went out into the private sector with some up and downs but overall doing well. My brother stayed in(He had picked a “good” MOS and was able to ride out the early 90’s. Now he flies MI-17 for the U.S. Army and his career is winding down, and he and his family will have to pay for the lack of vision and honor that this democratically led congress that is more interested in sucking the dick of illegal aliens because they will be another monolithic voting group like the blacks are today once they are legalized. I know I sound vulgar but I am beyond pissed. They shovel money to various groups to buy votes and keep themselves in power. We have become what our framers feared, we as a nation have become morally bankrupt more interested in the bread and circuses while the Visigoth march on the capital. The dream of a parent is to leave the world a better place than when I got here for my kid, I truly fear for the country that my son will inherit because people like us have our voices in the wilderness screaming out for what will pass and the average American is totally clueless more interested in what the kardashians are doing than handling the business of the republic.

    • +1. I have nothing to add. It’s become all bread and circuses, sadly.

  8. Bob- I understand, I was just counseling a young man last week who is in the same boat. He DOES NOT want to leave, but is being given little choice. I told him to go into the reserves, and serve out the other five years and whatever else he can add on. At least he can get ‘something’ at age 60. He’s smart, and already has a degree, so he’ll make it.

    Jim/gfa- Agree!!!

  9. My Facebook Posting.

    Democrats Save Illegal Alien Tax Credit, Kill Move To Restore Veterans’ Pensions

    See both of our Colorado Senators voted for this. Neither of those two privileged princes has ever put his ass on the line for this country. I am old enough fart to remember when this state sent people to Washington who both talked the talk and walked the walk. Sad day.

  10. It’s too much to ask for a reach-around while you get rogered by the DC Democrats.

    And those illegal aliens “deserve” our love, don’t they?

  11. The saddest part about Barbara is that she doesn’t understand that Rome (and the America she doesn’t live in) is burning. She thinks it is just a phrase.