Willie again…

On the road again…

Light blogging and commenting for a week or so…

Quick update on the book.  Second round of edits are completed, book is out to selected beta readers, and starting to filter back. Working on finalizing the book, cover (thank you Mrs. C), and all the little nit stuff that one has to do.

Turns out ‘writing’ is the easy part… sigh…  Thankfully both the alpha and beta readers have been very good (and pointed in a few cases) with their constructive criticism.  And my editor has been great to work with, offering praise and criticism in pretty much equal (more or less) parts…

Why did carrot and stick just pop into my mind… Anyhoo…

Almost there…

Of course after giving copies to those to contributed by reading, I’m gonna cost my self probably half my sales… LOL

Go read the folks on the sidebar, and thanks again for all your support!


Willie again… — 8 Comments

  1. WSF/Rick/Rev- Gonna try… Another day, another airplane… Well, TWO days in this case…

  2. I am glad you’ve found not only a good editor but one that ‘clicks’ with you. In my own experience as an editor, there is always a fine line between what needs to be done and where the author takes offense! (and where you, the editor, believe you are right; the three lines probably don’t match)