One more round of pics…

All these are airport related… πŸ™‚

In the line of the old saw about one man’s junk…

Everything but the seat…

Adelaide 5

And more bike remnants and a what the hell…Adelaide 3

A mechanical ‘roo…Adelaide 2

And a crab because he could…Adelaide 1

and it was ‘painted airplane day’… Out of Adelaide…Adelaide 4

And out of LAX… Β The original Continental paint job on a new 737…

DSC00606And home for a whole ONE night, then back on the road today…

Just shoot me now…


One more round of pics… — 13 Comments

  1. On the road AGAIN?

    That old school Continental paint scheme is just too cool. Am I showing my age by writing that – possibly. Still cool.

  2. That’s awesome- Love the crab.

    And a 24-hour home layover…
    Hey, you must work for IDS!



  3. Love the Continental ol paint job… and the air horns…
    So sad that your getting paid to travel the world and take pics…

  4. More interesting than advertised. Rest quick before you are off again on another adventure.

  5. A whole night? You’re slipping, buddy. Get back out there!

    (Now I’ll duck & try to stay below line-of-sight for the rest of the day…)

  6. Look at the bright side. Your schedule doesn’t give you much time to get into trouble.

    Oops, forgot. Sailors + shore leave; little time needed.

  7. LL- Yep… sigh

    TBG- If I did, I’d be better paid!!!

    Brighid- Taking pics keeps me out of the bars… Can’t find em anyway…LOL

    Opus- Rest??? Whats that???

    Rev- Don’t worry, you’re out of range (for now)…

    WSF- I’m old, so I need at LEAST 48 hours… πŸ˜›

  8. Hope you enjoyed/are enjoying your one night home. Safe travels! Hope for your sake that you’re not coming out this way. Ass-biting cold does not completely describe what we’ve got.

  9. Stretch- Yep… sigh…

    MC- Nah, I only go to WARM places this time of year… πŸ˜€

    Rick- Will do!