Time Sink…

But a damn good one, if you’re into history and Zepplins…

It’s an hour long special on the German Zepplins in WWI and the Brits counter to them.


I don’t care WHICH side you were on, those were iron men!!!  Thankfully the Brits managed to stop the Zeps, but as they said, it was the start of unrestricted warfare…

h/t JP

Currently reading Reach for the Sky by Paul Brickhill, a bio of Douglas Bader.  He was a British aviator, best known for losing both legs before, and coming back to be an ace.  Definitely a guy with the right stuff!!!


Time Sink… — 5 Comments

  1. Dougie Bader was such a character … I especially like the HUGE amounts of aggravation he gave the Germans during his “enforced stay” at Colditz Castle as a POW. They even had to take his legs away from him at night, for fear he’d escape.


    • +1. Another story of having the pedals reversed on his car so he could operate it easier. A mechanic who had to drive it simply crossed his feet.

  2. Rev- Yep! 🙂

    WSF- Innovative, and ALWAYS thinking… And the work he did after the war with those who’d lost limbs was what got him a Knighthood!

  3. Watched that Zeppelin special on the DVR. I’m not a huge fan of public television, but that was a heck of a good show.

    Could have just as easily been on History or the Military Channel as PBS, but still a good show.