What the…

Let me see if I have this right….

This NAACP rally is protesting requiring Photo ID to register to vote and to cast a vote in state and federal political elections because it’s a ‘racist law’ and ‘oppresses minorities’ the ‘right to vote’…..  BUT… You must have a Photo ID to attend the rally protesting Photo ID….?

In the middle of the list, however, is a drastically ironic “Do.” To go to the rally, you are asked to have “photo identification (driver’s license, passport or other valid photo id) with you and keep it on your person at all times.”

Unions are against Photo ID laws for many of the same reasons… but they also require Union members to show Photo ID to vote in a Union election… hmmmm

You are required to have Photo ID to rent a video, buy an airline or bus ticket, start a bank account, cash a check, even get a library card at many libraries and a laundry list of other actions/activities requiring Photo ID be presented… but it’s discriminatory and a racist ploy against minorities to require Photo ID to vote?

Read the whole article HERE.


What the… — 11 Comments

  1. What a *ucking crock of nitrogenous waste matter! Otherwise known as BarryCandy!

  2. Nothing those fools do surprise me. We just need to hunker down and wait….one of these days.

  3. They needed to be sure only the “right” people were admitted to the gathering. How dare you question them? Don’t you know they hold the moral high ground? If you doubt that, simply ask them. Troublemaker, you are.

  4. It is mainly due to police behavior with people at protests. People get detained if they refuse to identify themselves. In some states there are laws allowing police officers to stop and require identification if they the office believes the person is about to commit a crime. By having their ‘papers’ with them they are much less likely to end up in jail over night.

    If the Police think you are guilty of a thought crime they can ask your papers and jail you if you do not have them.

    As I sidenote I think we should require that people have ID to vote and then dip their index finger (or some designated other appendage if like me they lack one) in a specific colored indelible ink. There should be a social stigma if you do not have the ink stain after the two yearly voting holidays. Yes that implies that no one but essential services work those two days a year. For them there would be roving voting trucks that would go to the pre-approved work locations on the day. Military bases, hospitals, foundries(if there are any left) and other places that you just can not shutdown.
    As a thought having the two voting days be Memorial day and Veterans day might set the tone appropriately.

  5. They don’t really care about the photo I.D. requirement They’re just about pushing back against “the man!”

  6. That’s the Demoncrats for ya. If voter photo id’s are required, they would lose half their voting population and the dead could remain dead.

  7. Ev- Yep…

    Stephen- Point!

    Rick- Nope!

    WSF- Oh yeah…

    eriko- Sorry, I don’t buy that… IF they were serious, no ID would be required as a matter of fact, they’d probably say DON’T bring your ID!!!

    Mikey- Another good point!

    CP- Oh yeah! 🙂

  8. More and more I feel like I’m Alice and mushrooms have been involved…

  9. Most ‘protest’ events are highly orchestrated with pre arranged people to be arrested. As a managed event they need to make sure the ‘right’ people get arrested. Much like the careful selection of litigants in Second Amendment cases groups like this need to carefully manage too police interactions.

  10. PH- Oh yeah, down that rabbit hole we’re going…

    eriko- If they were really serious about no ID, they would SPECIFY no ID, for just that reason…