Jerry Miculek fisks the politicians…

Jerry took on two of the more common ‘mis-statements’ by politicians concerning guns…

Watch it and enjoy…

Of course people like Jerry, who ARE experts would never be invited to testify in any hearings… Can’t have the truth getting out there…

We’ve all heard by now about the California carry being overturned by the 9th Circus (actually surprised me with that one), but the NJ case is still going and quite honestly I believe all these are going to end up at SCOTUS for rulings.  I hope this happens before BO has a chance to load the court with leftists…

h/t JP


Jerry Miculek fisks the politicians… — 12 Comments

  1. I don’t know; we don’t want those ‘ghost guns’ that can ‘blow up railroads’ out there, do we?

    I remain amazed at the restraint of Middle America in not taking these lying politicians apart, a piece at a time. That fact alone ought to convince the Left that the meme is wrong … but of course, they’re not convinced by facts or evidence, if those don’t fit the lie.

  2. The Illinois one is what gets me.

    They keep losing court cases and then change the law to something else that a court has to slap down so they change the law…..

    Wash, rinse, get tired of fighting for your rights and move to a free place.
    Which is their goal. They want EUnuchs.

  3. Most of our politicians are greedy, self-serving, emotionally immature (defines a teenager) people. The nation elects them because the rising generation reflects those values too.

    In no matter is it more apparent than when it comes to discussions of firearms.

  4. Surely you don’t expect any anti-gun, anit-anything Liberal to muddy up the controversy with facts? If they did, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on… a pot to piss in… a legitimate argument. Who wants truth?

  5. Opus- Please keep us in the loop!

    Rev- Good point!

    WSF- I’d prefer the truth… ain’t gonna get it from teh pols though…

    Veeshir- Good point, and that one TRULY makes no sense…

    LL- I think you’re more right than I want to admit…

    CP- I DO!!! 🙂

  6. He is my absolute favorite shooter to watch. Problem is he’s trying to use logic and facts. Those are useless weapons against politicians and drunks.

    Thankfully my can of soda was almost empty when that 30 cal magazine clip popped into view.

  7. Not only enjoyable, but I need to put that on my “must have” list along with the AR shotgun.