MOAR regulation…

Now it’s the FCC…

Internet application and content companies, what some refer to as “edge providers,” are increasingly concerned by the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) newfound ability to regulate the Internet, and rightfully so.

For years, edge providers — Pandora, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, to name just a few — have flourished from the government’s hands-off approach to the Internet. Both Republicans and Democrats championed a structure that allowed the “application layer” of Internet architecture to be free from government intervention, apart from occasional Federal Trade Commission activity. That is now subject to change.

Read the whole article HERE.

And not to be outdone, the FEC has put their oar in (or are trying)…

As conservative media grows, the head of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) iw warning that he things liberals will look for ways to regualte conservative news outlets just like they do political PACs.


The Commissioner noted that Democrat members of the FEC have already floated plans to regulate Sean Hannity. He also reminds of the left’s hatred of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

“There are some in this building that think we can actually regulate” the media, Goodman said. “I am concerned about disparate treatment of conservative media,” he added.

Read the whole thing HERE at Breitbart.

So much for transparency and LESS government intervention in our lives… Sigh…


MOAR regulation… — 9 Comments

  1. This isn’t terribly surprising. The leftists have been talking about it for several years, so it was only a matter of time.

  2. Sarcasm font. Must be ways to shut up the yahoos and whack jobs that are keeping the smartest man in the room from fulfilling his destiny. Nothing to see here folks, just move along for your own good.

  3. The Internet is perhaps the greatest example ever of the power of innovation and unfettered (or at least minimally fettered) freedom and capitalism.

    And the government thinks they can improve it…?

    I don’t know whether to sh*t or go blind, so instead I guess I’ll have another beer.


  4. Hey Old NFO;

    That is a big dream of the leftist, control the information and only release information to the masses that is suitable for their consumption. Stuff that extols the virtues of the latest big government program, celebrities and news that doesn’t embarrass “the one”.

  5. WSF- Oh yeah… ain’t THAT the damn truth…

    Tim- Salut!!!

    Bob- Dead on my friend… sigh

    Ed- Yep…

  6. I am reminded of the old adage:

    “The problem with government today is that it is too late to fix it and too soon to hang the bastards.”

    Sadly, some days I am not so sure.