
Ramirez nails it… — 10 Comments

  1. It is a shameful comment on America and the American Government.

    However, Barack spent his military years smoking dope and scamming his way through college as a “foreign student” from Indonesia, so what do you expect?

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    Ramirez is my favorite cartoon artist, I use a lot of his cartoons as part of my story that I use or if I am going on a rant.

  3. It wouldn’t be so bad if, once your number was called, you actually got helped…

    As has been said, government-run healthcare combines the efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS.

  4. PH- Yep, folks just don’t realize it yet…

    LL/Rev- Better than this, if nothing more that from the Democrats that elected him…

    drjim- Yep…

    Bob- He IS a great one!

    Tim- Good point, in a really BAD way…