What in the hell…

Just read the transcript of the speech BO gave today at WEST POINT.  What a pile of steaming horse manure…  That wasn’t a ‘policy’ speech, it was another stop on the apology tour…

And he gave this to a bunch of new officers??? WTF???

And this comment is just…

Here’s my bottom line: America must always lead on the world stage. If we don’t, no one else will. The military that you have joined is, and always will be, the backbone of that leadership. But U.S. military action cannot be the only — or even primary — component of our leadership in every instance. Just because we have the best hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail.

Where has the leadership been the last SIX years???  China and Russia have stepped up, since they know he won’t do s**t…  If we don’t have a strong military, we BECOME the nail, because Russia and China WILL have the hammer…

There are times when those actions are necessary and we cannot hesitate to protect our people. But as I said last year, in taking direct action, we must uphold standards that reflect our values. That means taking strikes only when we face a continuing, imminent threat, and only where there is no certainty — there is near certainty of no civilian casualties, for our actions should meet a simple test: We must not create more enemies than we take off the battlefield.

Say what???  Helloooo… Benghazi… And Ukraine is a GOOD example??? Of what???

He doesn’t have a policy, he’s been smoking too much dope, or REALLY needs to take those rose colored glasses off… His only policy is go which ever way the wind blows or the polls say will get him the most votes… Sigh… now whereinthehell is my BP medicine…

Oh yeah, and not word ONE about actually WINNING…


What in the hell… — 17 Comments

  1. Clearly and obviously, he can afford and enjoys really high quality dope and in large quantities.

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    Yes the apology tour continues…he has no faith in the American system. We need leaders that give the variation of the “3 best things in Life”…Crush your enemies…See them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women..*Sounding like Arnold*. All Obungler can do is campaign and spread the fertilizer to garner more money from his donors.

  3. When those blue lips move, lies pour fourth. I don’t listen to him. If Barack is on the TV, the channel changes or the set is turned off.

  4. WSF- Hope springs eternal… sigh

    Bob- And THROW $$, rather than actually DO something…

    LL- Had to check it out after a comment made in the meeting I was in… sigh

  5. On his best day, he’s only a shadow of a man with the ability to make decisions, seek honesty, realize integrity follows you beyond the grave and knows those that came before sacrificed everything for the honor of being the President of the United States.

    History will show him as a gadfly during the tumultuous events that are shaping the world. His legacy will be of dishonor and failure.

  6. Ever see the movie, “Jacob’s Ladder”? It’s about a returned vet whose life has gone slowly down the toilet, and continues to. Then he realizes, he never came back from Nam.
    He died there and is in purgatory.
    Can’t think of why I thought about that.

  7. That was a disgrace to that class. I hope they heard more about what it takes in four years of classes than the short speech delivered during graduation. If I was graduating and heard this, I would have been offended.

  8. Oops! on the Cable is the graduation at West Point, hope they have many fine leaders that understand Duty and Honor. But is the President going to tell me anything about the new officers? I have trouble following him as leader of the free world (which seems to mean one doesn’t pay for it, ever).

    He had his chance to have a great speech, and then let others write it for the teleprompter…. patience, young officers, patience. This too will pass.

    And that above was what I thought about it while eating my breakfast. Lincoln he is not.

  9. He forgot to explain that the new officers will be the ones to clean up the pile of poop he has created with Iran, China, and Russia through his incompetence and his belief that America should not strive to be the best.

  10. Reagan was an actor who was a President.
    Obama is a President played by an actor.