Say whut???

In all the years I’ve ridden, and been around horses, this is a new one…

If only I’d known it was that simple… 🙂

h/t JP


Say whut??? — 15 Comments

  1. LOL! I don’t think I’ll try that. I have enough problems getting on the normal way.

  2. Do not try this at home. This only works if you are a little person and have a little caballo…

  3. WSF- Good point!

    Jenn- I tried that ONCE… Didn’t end well for me… sigh

    Rick- Neither had I!

  4. I’ve had a horse throw me off his neck before…
    We were cantering up to a jump when he hit the brakes. I landed on his neck; he tossed his head back and I went flying. It drove home to me how strong they are.

  5. Children are the true masters of ingenuity…and animals are much more apt to put up with them than they are with adults. 😀

  6. Just showed this to my wife who grew up on a farm in Scotland. She tells me that this is the technique she and all her friends and family used to mount their ponies. Maybe a European thing?

    • OC1911- Interesting… I’d NEVER seen it, but apparently I’ve missed out on a lot… 🙂