A Final Hurrah???

How long since you read this?

The Declaration of Independence

As I think about the 4th of July this year, now our 238th I wonder if this is the last time we’ll celebrate freedom or even it we CAN celebrate that this year.

How did we get from this-

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

To where we are today???

PCism, the elites vs. us peons (as far as they are concerned we are only good for paying taxes, not being heard), a break down in the governance of our country, a rogue president ascribing ONLY to his own questionable moral compass who decides ‘he’ knows better and policies than frankly doom this country seem to be the norm rather than the exception (immigration=more democrat voters). When there is no thought for the Constitution (separation of powers), or Congress (legislative body), just I’m going to do what I want, things are on the downhill slide…

Partisanship that has gridlocked Congress for how many years now???

Or when law enforcement is by whim rather that the rule of law, or based on race of the perpetrator (it’s ONLY a hate crime when done by whites?), or based on party preference…

Activist judges- Who don’t follow the rule of law, but prefer to make up their own interpretation…

And don’t bother asking for documents from this administration, ain’t gonna happen until 2017 at the earliest…

Freedom? Not so much, especially if one is a gun owner. Even less if one is white, male, Christian and a gun owner. That’s four strikes right there and when you throw in veteran, now you’re a domestic terrorist…


What happened to the country I grew up in and spent 22 years defending? Have we truly become so polarized that there are NO decent people willing to run for office/stand up to the career politicians??? Is there no one left to stand against the attack dogs???

When the military becomes a pawn in social engineering games, and it’s more important to take money from them than it is to reduce funding to entitlement programs, we’re on our way to third world status… We no longer can even do the basic requirements that are in the treaties we signed around the world, much less actually stand against those who would harm us or our allies… But we throw military people away like candy; 250 here, 500 there, don’t do maintenance because it costs too much, leave people hung out to dry… “What difference does it make?”

$15/hr for burger flippers, but I don’t hear anyone calling for $15/hr for the military…

Militarization of the police, more gun laws, but shootings keep happening… Detroit, Chicago (Chiraq as some people call it), NYC, Washington,, Baltimore, Philly… Some of the strictest gun laws, but the most shootings per weekend and death tolls that beat what we were seeing in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they want MORE laws… Pro tip- They are called criminals because they don’t OBEY laws…

People refusing to take responsibility for their actions, blaming/suing others…

Attack minorities and special interest groups… Who get the will of the people overridden for their own little pet issue…

Zero tolerance (for anything gun related that is).  Remember the elementary school kid banned for pointing his finger?  Or the one that chewed a pop tart into a shape like Florida?  Any thing else, oh THAT is fine…

I truly fear for these United States, and I would humbly offer an apology to my children and grandchildren for the fact that our generation didn’t do a better job of keeping an eye on things going on back here…

The link HERE goes to our founding documents. Have you read them? Take the time to do a little research on your own. Make up your own mind, while you still can, which direction this country should go in…

Don’t trust the MSM, don’t trust the sound bites, dig around and find out what is really going on…

It’s OUR country (at least for a little while longer… maybe)…

This flag???


Or this one???


I’m not sure anymore… Sigh…

Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.


A Final Hurrah??? — 16 Comments

  1. I believe there are many good people remaining. It is just that the price of resistance has become so damned high. In addition, the attacks on liberty are so fragmented – specialized, if you will, as befits “special interest groups” – that Common Ground seems unreachable. Still,I believe that there will come a time – sooner rather than later – when the price of NOT resisting will so far exceed that of doing nothing so that the good people will demand and regain control of our shared destiny: this “noble experiment” that, for all its myriad faults, remains civilization’s best hope.

    I recite from memory the Preamble to the Constitution and do so often in order to keep close that which I love so dearly. In fact, part of the Preamble was incorporated into my Oath, and I do not forget than an Oath is forever. So I pass on to succeeding generations this promise:

    “Land, sea, and air, as long as there is one with breath to say ‘We, the People,’ we guard the guardians.”

    Semper paratus; semper fidelis. DOL.

    So celebrate this Independence day with an open and unburdened heart, and with the prayer of a good man that government of the People, by the People, for the People shall not perish from this earth.


    /end hijack rant 😉

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    Dang, you also ranted….I think it is almost universal now. We as old fashioned Americans are dismayed by what we see and we don’t know if we have the stones as a country to fix it.
    I keep on thinking if I scored a major lottery, I would buy some island somewhere and bunker down and watch the fireworks explode as it all implodes….Or am I being too cynical?

  3. deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
    Only if the governed have the guts to demand it, and back up those demands.

    This may be you best post yet.

  4. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,

  5. Craig is right, of course. And sooner or later, the good people of these States will decide they’ve finally had enough. And may it be sooner, please. I’m not sure there’ll be a “later”.

  6. We’re seeing a repeat of the events that led up to “the shot heard round the world.” Americans are being pushed harder and more forcefully than ever before by the government we elected and hired to serve us, but who now refuse to step aside even in spite of repeated requests and demands by The People.

    This is why the framers and founders gave us the First Amendment–so that we could freely speak out on such abuses by the government upon the governed.

    They gave us the Second Amendment so that should the First quit working, we would have the tools to take action and correct the misdeeds of a tyrannical government.

    The problem is that Americans of this generation, much like our predecessors in the mid-1770’s, have become too comfortable in their own individual lifestyles and refuse to risk so much as a drop of sweat in opposition to the government if it might mean any repercussions whatsoever.

    Many years ago, I once watched a couple of wolves circling a herd of goats up in far northwest Wyoming. The wolves became more brazen and more bold as they focused in on the youngest and weakest of the goats.

    Out of the herd came a huge Tibetan Mastiff. This dog stood his ground and glared at the wolves, who snarled and bared teeth in a show of threat and intimidation that scared the goats silly.

    The Tibetan Mastiff was unmoved by the wolves’ display of hostility and responded with a display of his own. The wolves backed away, but continued circling.

    When the wolves finally attacked, they were met by the Mastiff full force and in a matter of perhaps thirty seconds, both wolves were critically wounded and lay bleeding to death and unable to flee.

    The goats had run a safe distance from the fight and when the Mastiff went to rejoin them, the goats were fearful and skittish and couple of the billies actually tried ram the Mastiff, to which rather than fighting back, the big guardian dog actually retreated and went to lay down, letting the herd settle back down.

    A sheepdog guards a perpetually stupid and cowardly flock that is always ungrateful and willing to sacrifice one of its own rather than defend the entire flock. Such is the nature of sheep.

    And such is the nature of human beings.

    Nowhere do we know that better than here in the U.S.

    Look around you at your fellow Americans. How many of them would secretly vote to give up the majority of their liberties in exchange for being able to keep their minivan or their suburban McMansion or their iPad?

    Sad, isn’t it?


  7. I think the Liberty Tree needs to be watered real soon before it dies.

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. The lie told often enough, will become a sad shadow of the truth. So you talk and you listen and you blog and you talk some more. And you travel the world fixing stuff, but notice that what is good is always good, and what stinks can’t be masked by deodorizer.

    Your rant isn’t that America is a terrible place, only that it has become less than it should be – and no one is getting out to make it better. A young woman, recently becoming a citizen in December of 2008, shot Rifleman two days later. Another young immigrant, firing at an Appleseed, told me that in his country people couldn’t get together for a two day shooting clinic (Appleseed) and to talk about their heritage… remembering all the South American countries had their own independence movements.

    Like my working against my age and creeping death by recliner – one has to keep the country moving, working and exploring everything outside of comfort zones. America is only an idea of wonderful, we have to make so again.

  9. Those who read this blog understand that freedom isn’t free. In fact, I can’t think of anything more expensive in terms of blood and treasure. Thanks, Old NFO, on this sacred day of remembrance.

  10. WSF- Thank you.

    Ed- That it is…

    Buck- It is, thanks!

    Rev- You DO have a point…

    JD- It is, thank you for the comment and ‘reminder’…

    Rick- It’s getting close…

    Dammit- Agreed!

    Earl- Thank you and you’re right.

    LL- Thank you.

    Ed- It’s up right now.

  11. How did we get here indeed. Forgive me while I give into temptation for a flippant line—“See, there’s your problem right there.”

    From John Farnam on his website:


    4 July 14

    Independence Day! How far we’ve come!

    This from a friend and LEO:

    “I received an invitation to attend a 2014 ‘Police/Security Expo’ in Atlantic City, NJ.

    In it was a warning to all LEOs in attendance ‘not carry your service revolver on the expo floor.’

    Nearly all who attended complied with the above- to the letter- and carried pistols, discreetly concealed!

    What planet do these cretins beam-down from?

    Imagine that: thousands of unarmed cops in a high-crime city, and uncaring, clueless sponsors of a ‘police show’ who don’t even know the difference between a revolver and an autoloading pistol, and obviously don’t care.

    You can’t make this stuff up!”


    In this civilization, innocent lives matter to no one any more! All anyone cares about is personal, plausible denyability. No one cares when someone actually gets hurt, so long a certain asses are covered!

    This is a logical consequence of the gradual demise of the entire concept of “personal responsibility.”

    “I’m not saying let’s go out and kill all stupid people. I’m just saying let’s remove all warning labels, and let the problem work itself out.”



    BTW, lots of good stuff in John’s Quips archive, like this—

    “We are ever confronted with two kinds of pain: the pain of discipline, and the pain of regret. You can avoid one, but never both.”

    And this—

    24 June 03

    Your “Lizard Brain”

    In a recent conversation with good friend, Dave Grossman, Dave mentioned that he had recently talked with a gaggle of bearded, bespectacled psychiatrists (all with heavy, German accents). Dave was getting their advice on the differences between the human “front brain” and the “mid-brain.” They had a number of terms for the “mid-brain,” all with a minimum of six syllables and all difficult to pronounce. When Dave suggested to them the term, “mid-brain,” they all nodded in wavering agreement that the term was probably adequately descriptive and that longer and more difficult terms would never see general use anyway.

    What Dave, Gary Klugiewicz, and I all concur on is that lifesaving, psychomotor skills, intended to be used in an emergency must eventually filter from the frontal lobes (front brain), where they are first learned, into the mid-brain (primitive or “lizard” brain) if they are ever going to be accessible when one is in a hyper-stressful, crisis environment.

    The frontal lobes is where our intellect dwells. Its precocious and elevated development separates us from lower forms of life. In one’s frontal lobes lives discernment, understanding, and our ethical skeleton. However, the frontal lobes are also the residence of confusion, indecision, hesitation, and panic. The frontal lobes are never really quite sure of anything! The front brain is the “legislative branch” of our intelligence. The mid-brain is the “executive branch.” The front brain works just fine when we are, at a leisurely pace, contemplating our navels, but, in a life-threatening emergency, a shrewd front brain wisely hands off operations to the mid-brain.

    The mid-brain has no philosophy, no hesitation, and no regret. It knows only death, and life, and nothing in between! The mid-brain is never confused and never dithers. Its job is to get us out of this mess alive! It is poor at multitasking. It acts decisively and only does one thing at a time. It never apologizes, never looks back, and sheds no tears.

    Unfortunately, the mid-brain is ignored in the training philosophy of many institutions. We do too much training “in the abstract.” “In the abstract” is where all training must begin, because the front brain is the entry point for all information. Unhappily, that is where much of what passes for training also ends. As the student is gradually immersed in the training environment, stress levels must be increased so that important psychomotor skills begin to filter into the mid-brain. The mid-brain will only “know what to do” if the student has been “stress inoculated.”

    The hand-off from front brain to mid-brain must be seamless and immediate. The mid-brain has to “hit the ground running” if there is to be any chance that it can act in time to save your life. You need to “have a plan,” and it must reside in the mid-brain. Unhelpful thoughts, swimming around in your front brain, must be jettisoned before they contaminate your mid-brain. This will mean endless repetitions under physical stress and anxiety.

    Ultimately, your front brain will be of limited use during a crisis. In fact, it (and you, if you don’t permit a hand-off to the mid-brain) will be little more than a blithering, dithering buffoon! If the hand-off to your mid-brain is smooth, authoritative, and timely, and your mid-brain has been well trained , it will know what to do and will act decisively to save your life. Treat it well. Train it well!


  12. RHT- Thanks! And you’re right… Re the ‘lizard’ brain, we always called that the hind brain… Figuring when your be’hind’ was in a crack, the hind brain either stepped up or you were a gibbering idiot!