Random Stuff…

Too funny…

Apparently Comcast had a major commercial internet outage yesterday morning in the area where I work.

Now you’d ‘think’ this would mean people could actually get stuff done without any interruptions, etc.  right???  I was perfectly happy, as I wasn’t getting interrupted for four solid hours!!!

Not so much, seems like people were running to windows or outside with their phones to check facebook, personal emails etc. about every half hour…

And some people were pretty incensed about it, but I ‘never’ heard a single person complain about their WORK email being down…


Makes you wonder how much actual WORK gets accomplished in some of these businesses everyday…

AND I wonder if they realize their companies are probably monitoring their interwebz usage… 🙂 Can we say firing offense???

In other news-

It appears there are some fractures in the façade of the MSM, with some ‘actual’ coverage starting to be done, much to the administration’s dismay.  One report that popped up and promptly disappeared was apparently how close Charlotte came to getting a person with Ebola getting on an airplane that would have come through there, but apparently the person was diagnosed BEFORE the left Africa…

And Jesse Ventura is a piece of work- Suing the Chris Kyle estate and winning, then complaining about the ‘bad coverage’ he’s been given…  If I were him, I wouldn’t be showing up at any SEAL/UDT reunions or events where SEALS might be present…  Just sayin…

And lastly, on the way in this morning I heard Chief Lanier (DC Police) being interviewed about the WIN for 2A and concealed carry in DC in the Palmer case (Thank you Alan Gura among others); then the stay of the ruling.  She was prattling on about how she ‘respects’ 2A and concealed carry, but has ‘issues’ with it due to her ‘mandate’ to protect all the high rollers, VIPs, yada, yada, yada in DC…

In other words, don’t plan on ANYTHING changing anytime soon…

I’m thinking DC is going to do a Chicago and try to drag this out on appeals until the 12th of never…

I have to go into the District this weekend, so I’ll be doing a concerted search of my truck to ‘hopefully’ get all the ammo/loose rounds/spent cases out BEFORE I cross the 14th street bridge… sigh…

Otherwise, I’ll rent a damn car…


Random Stuff… — 20 Comments

  1. Jessie Ventura – Shameful former something something, failed actor, failed governor, professional clown.

  2. So the High Rollers in DC need the security (paid for by us) but we are not entitled to our own. Yup, nothing changes.

    I do not think I COULD sterilize my vehicle of every stray shell casing or bullet to allow transit of the “magial line” around DC without legal issues. Shall not be infringed? Yeah, they keep laughing at us.

  3. I need to do another post about the DC thing. It makes no sense on so many levels.

  4. It’s always seemed to me that on federal property (or compounds, or whatever) our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights ought to be exercised most freely, rather than the opposite.

    I know, I know. Stop giggling.

  5. LL- AND apparently broke too…

    .45ACP- Yeah, it worries me too… And they ARE laughing at us!

    Prof- Please do and let me know so I can link it!

    Rev- Yeah, sigh…

  6. It always seems I have ammunition in my vehicle, so I would have to walk or rent in FEAR of my stupid government protectors…. while the criminals continue to prey upon the public good…. sigh.

  7. Oh my God – FOUR HOURS with no internet! You mean I’m gonna miss my best friend from high school’s pastrami sandwich photos?

  8. I’m sure DC will fight this,even if it takes every last tax dollar you and I have paid.

  9. Hey Old NFO;

    Yeap you are better off renting a car…..If something is found in the rental…it is “plausible deniability.”

  10. We lost internet at work one day….I cut up a piece of cardboard, drew our Regimental DUI, Infantry Branch insignia, and a 48th BCt patch on it. Then I wrote 1st Lt, my first and middle initial, and last name on it.

    At which point I tacked it to my cubicle wall.

    The bullpen secretary looked a bit askance as I returned to Angry Birds on my phone.

    I make no apologies.

  11. Earl- Yep, damn shame…

    MrsC- 😛

    Gerry- In all probability… sigh

    Bob- Maybe… just maybe…

    SPEMack- GREAT! 🙂

    Hunter- True, but I cannot believe the back room dealing that led to an 8-2 decision rather than unanimous…

    Ed- Yes it was… However, I wouldn’t bet on Ventura surviving a SEAL reunion after this…

  12. I think Jesse better stay away from Ladies Night within a 30 mile radius of any military base.

  13. Ventura entertained in the WWE.
    So how much could be done to hurt his reputation that being in the WWE has not already done to his reputation?