Anybody Recognize This???

SR 1If you do, you know where I was today…

Drug Pediem out and then had the pleasure of Pedi and Proud Hillbilly joining me for dinner…

Great day! (other than the fact we didn’t shoot anything)…



Anybody Recognize This??? — 15 Comments

  1. Hey Old NFO;

    Looks like the Same place I got the same Pic. Went there a couple of years ago with my son. Tried to link up with you there and failed. Would like to go again next year and see it again. Will also try for Pima museum…..when it cools down.

  2. What is this mythical SR-71?
    Some sort of pegasus myth to a time when we built planes to be the best at their one assigned mission?
    Hung out with Pop all day, so am hopefully excused from nostalgia

  3. Sheesh… I should have known better than to put that one up… LOL

    Skip- If that had been Palmdale, I’d be needing bail money about now… 🙂

    I’ll try to get some of the pics up later this week.

  4. We did too shoot things!

    Ok, only with our cameras, but still! 😛 Between us, we got…what…300+ pics? I still have to put them on my computer and post a few. That was a wonderful afternoon, made all the better by the stories you can tell about half of the planes on exhibit there.

    Thank you again, and to PH for meeting us for dinner!

  5. HABU was a real bad boy. I do not understand the AF Logistics Command decal.

  6. Jealous here but happy for you. Wish I hadn’t been stuck working. (And dinner with PH AND Old NFO is always great both because they are fascinating people and because their mere presence pretty much locks in the senior discount for the whole restaurant.)

  7. SPEMack- LOL… And good for you spending time with family!

    Pedi- It was fun! 🙂

    Ed- Yep… It’s one of ‘those’ iterations the USAF is known for…

    Murph- Sorry you didn’t make it. Senior discount my ass… 😛

  8. NASM, U-H branch.
    Only 15 minutes from my home.
    My b-in-law filled 2 memory cards and wore out a battery walking around that place in spring of ’13.

  9. One of mine and my son’s favorite planes. Everytime we go to Udvar-Hazy, he and I usually spend a good 15 minutes just admiring that plane. Oh how I wish they still flew.

  10. Was at the NASM in DC and the UH Center at Dulles two weeks ago with my sister and her son. NASM was disappointing and depressing, somewhat run down and old-looking, like the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center was years ago.
    But the UH museum, that was a real blast. Love the centerpiece with the SR-71 (tail flash pictured above) up front and the Discovery in the background. Way too much time to see everything.
    Sorry we didn’t plan better.

  11. Stretch- Dead on…

    Ev- Yep, and a pic coming for you…

    Jim- Who knows 🙂

    WN- It’s an all day thing… We saw ‘most’ of it in five hours, but that was walking… walking…