Spent the morning at the dealer getting stuff done on the truck…
Ended up sitting next to an Army Major (Ranger/Airborne), just back from downrange. We got into a rather in-depth conversation about what is going on in the Army. He’s just back from downrange, was the G-2 on a Batt staff…
This was his SIXTH deployment! He’d had both platoon and company commands downrange, and admitted he was promoted out of zone (early) and has his first in zone look at LTCOL this year. He said he was in ‘limbo’ right now, trying to find out if he was going to be retained. Of his four friends from college days, he said he was the only one left. One had been killed, one got out as a captain and the other two were both RIFed in the last six months (as majors). He’s pretty worried as they have three kids, the youngest a 6 month old little girl. He said at this point he’s just hoping to hang on for 3 more years to get to 15 years, “In case it all goes south.” But in any case, his wife has already gone back to work as a translator since they are both fluent in Spanish, and he said they are putting every dollar they can aside… He also said that he really doesn’t want to go back to El Paso right now, with all the crap going on down there. Either his parents or hers have a store, and they’ve been robbed multiple times in the last year by ‘gang’ members (he thinks probably MS-13).
I feel for he and his family, and I think the way they are being treated just plain SUCKS!!!
They deserve a hell of a lot better than they are getting!!!
Equipment isn’t the only thing that’s getting worn down in today’s military…
My son, the Medic, is facing a medical board.
“Thanks for your sevice, now git”.
I won’t allow myself to write the words that went through my head as I read your post, but you probably get my drift.
Ed- That it is…. When they let the experienced pre-command guys go, they are cutting their throats…
Tim- Exactly!
WSF_ Yep…
Rev- Oh yeah…
At this point, I’m (almost) glad I’m 70 & will not have to see and put up with what I see coming for our country.
I think the young major (P) will be fine, but the country is wearing thin, what made us great was – it didn’t matter, we were going to win. Still can, but there are a lot of losers in the way whining… and they are a problem. Funny, most of that major’s career has be fighting and building nations in corners of the world, while our nation crumbles… hmm.
My college room mate son, trade school grad and O-4 (Armor) is getting out. Too many deployment over too short of a time.
His wife wants a family and is not dealing with time apart very well.
He is less than thrilled with the whole PC military so he’s should be out as soon as he gets back from AFPAK.
Sad to see him go but it probably is the smart move.
Roger- I hear ya…
Earl- Yeah, that came across my mind too…
Gerry- Hopefully he has something lined up…
2017 can’t come soon enough.
Randy- Agreed!
Very Disgusting.