
Grumble… Anybody that thinks travel is fun is @#$*& nuts!!!

PER to SYD today, shoehorned into the back (and I DO mean back) of the bus… Row 54 middle.  The two guys either side of me were BIG!  We had to alternate who leaned forward and who leaned back… sigh… Thankfully it was only a 4 hour flight…

So get to SYD, take the bus to the hotel, and there is ONE! ONE! frikkin clerk working check-in, and about 20 of us in line…

And this ‘broad’ (being polite here), was haranguing the clerk over the parking fees for her car.

After a good fifteen minutes of this crap, I mentioned to the guy behind me we should take up a collection and just pay the damn parking for her, so ‘maybe’ we could get checked in before it was time to check out…

He mumbled something to the effect of hell yeah, and dug a bill out.  I threw $10A in the pot, he hit the rest of the line up, and there were enough donations to pay her @#*&^ parking fee.

So he takes it up to the counter, slaps it down in front of her and says, “Here ya go you cheap b***h. Your F’ing parking is paid, now shut the F up, and get out of our way.  WE would like to check in!”

And we all applauded…

And she threw a hissy fit about the way he’d ‘talked’ to her, and demanded the manager!  And she wasn’t moving!

Until she looked around and saw now 25-30 pissed off folks starting to move toward her.

I think at that point she decided that maybe she just should take her key and go away.  And she did…

Finally got checked in, got to the room, TV doesn’t work… Figures…

Go back down stairs to the clerk, he apologises, but no other rooms.  Oh well I needed sleep anyway… At least they have free internet in the lobby (it didn’t work in the room either)…


Idjits… — 15 Comments

  1. Life on the road is never much fun, but some trips are worse than others.

    You have my sympathy, sir – and that offer of a free meal & beverage still stands.

  2. Life on the road SUCKS. I always think of John Candy in “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”.

    Steve Martin (to Candy) “Where’s your hand?”

    John Candy (to Martin) “Between two pillows.”

    Steve Martin, “Those aren’t pillows!”

    At least you don’t have to share a room with some guy.

    Sharing a room with an attractive (horny) woman, is a pure pleasure, but a guy…not so much.

  3. Rev- I might take you up on that… when it’s warmer…

    LL- Oh so true! 🙂

    TBG- I’m back in Dec too. Shoot me an email, maybe we overlap. If nothing else I can give you POCs…

    DB- Oh yeah, that they do… sigh

    Miguel- One more week… double sigh

  4. HAHAHAHA! You are my hero!

    I used to travel for the gummit…

  5. OMG ! You poor man. We got a taste of that over the weekend. Hotel toilet did not flush good, every guest in the hotel was at the free breakfast and back again for the free nachos in the evening. I swear folks were making it their meal. We sold our travel trailer, now we are shopping for a pop-up. I hate hotels!

    Now, I have heard about all the issues on flights with people laying their seats all the way back and upsetting the folks sitting behind them.. Good Gawd!

    I feel for you.. Good luck with it, but traveling does suck.

  6. WSF- EVERY person in line did… 😉

    Rick- Tryin…

    JUGM- Just another day at the oriface… And yep, some people DO make the entire meal out of the freebies…

    Ed- Shaddap… 😛

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    Yes I have done collections like that before. I do remember a few years back waiting at a stop and rob to pay for a drink when an obese lady turned her lottery ticket in for the winnings….well she had mutilated the ticket using a pair of scissors( remember this) making it invalid. Well when the clerk explained to her that she ain’t getting nothing…she went totally postal on this girl, tried to use the scissors on the girl. It took 7 of us to pin this hippo down until the cops got there…Fun in an urban area….what can i say.

  8. Bugger, wish I’d known you were in Perth OLd NFO. Would have shouted you a beer or two. Would have loved to have met you. Oh well. 🙂