“Tanks” for the memories…

Met up with Prof Hale and his lovely lady for breakfast then out to the Americans In Wartime tank show this morning.

We also met up with Jay G and Boy G at the show.  It was much nicer for the re-enactors as it was only in the 60s, and it was a lot easier for them to handle it in full period gear.

One picture makes me proud of all the folks that support the museum, and the parents that brought their kids out to see these pieces of history…

Teaching moment.

The kids had all red the poster, and I heard one ask his dad, “They all died to save others?”  His dad could only nod.

Jay and I were drooling over various items, and Prof Hale was giving us a great history lecture on the various tanks!  It’s NICE to go with someone that actually knows the history (and I don’t have to guess or hunt for a placard or sign).

Jays new grail… Flame on…

Again thanks for meeting me out there, and it made the day much more pleasurable!!!


“Tanks” for the memories… — 10 Comments

  1. Pingback: Americans in Wartime Museum | The New Rebellion University

  2. Thanks for the invite and the generous breakfast. A good time was had by all. We couldn’t find you to say our farewells.

    My pictures are posted on my site (but I couldn’t post my videos).

  3. Hey old NFO;

    Dang, wish I could have gone….but alas I had a prior booking in the land of the mouse. I Love stuff like that:)

  4. Jay’s new grail is a back pack zippo?

    Didn’t know they came with a bayonet lug…


  5. Prof- You’re more than welcome sir. Sorry I had to leave early, I truly enjoyed talking with y’all.

    Keads- It was FUN! 🙂

    Bob- Maybe next year!

    BGM- I ‘think’ it would melt the bayonet… 😀