Help out and get a good book too!!!

Brigid is donating all proceeds she makes from her book, “The Book of Barkley” to animal rescue organizations, and she’s found a really good one:

Please take a moment and click on these words:   Peanut’s Promise.

This group, up in the Windy City, not far from where we live, is doing incredible things, their latest project–rescuing Labrador Retrievers who have lived solely to breed purebred puppies, with bad food, harsh elements outside 24/7, little, if any  medical care, and no love or affection. Some had no more than a depression on the ground to sleep in. When they get sick, or old, or barren, they are discarded. In this case the breeder is giving them up, a blessing for them, but a lot of work for the volunteers with that many dogs, all neglected, coming in at once.  I am just one tiny little part of that effort, but I wanted to help and spread the word.

Because it broke my heart to see it.

Because every Lab should have a home where he’s a family member, as loved as the two-legged ones.

Brigid is doing good things with the proceeds from her book, and we should be able to help out… AND you get a great book too!


Help out and get a good book too!!! — 6 Comments

  1. And when you discover how good the book is, please let her know how much you enjoyed it. She’d appreciate the feedback.

  2. Slightly off topic, but did you reverse red shirt a certain dog into your second book under his real name? If so, that was a brilliant tribute.