A little patience please…

I’m still working through some issues with the whole captcha thing and trying to get comments out of the spam folder and through the moderation folder into comments.

If you don’t see your comment it is because I probably haven’t had time to go dig it out. I’m not pissed at anyone… 😉

In other news, I’ve more or less recovered from the tryptophan coma from the last two days of food (and probably gained 5 lbs)…

Just in time for Willie to play my song again.  Posting and commenting will be sketchy at best until probably late December due to work stuff, so I’ll just apologize ahead of time and remind you there are much better writers on the side bar!


A little patience please… — 8 Comments

  1. Hey Old NFO,

    Enjoy the trip…and remember to not drink the airline coffee…..

  2. Oh, goody. I thought my squid/old man jokes had finally caused you to (digitally) tell me to get off your lawn.

    Shoot, based a previous posting concerning flight attendants washing their panties in the motel room coffee makers, I would just avoid any coffee that didn’t come from the Goat Locker.

    Sidenote: Went out to the range yesterday. Shooting my old ’94 in .30-30, couldn’t help myself and told my buddy
    “It’s just a comfortable, old working gun”

  3. Only 25 shopping days till Christmas! Arrgh! I’ve been seriously thinking about a SAA thumbuster…but I’m still on Project Mossberg. What light for Mossy?

  4. I feel you bro.

    Why does every customer call up at the end of November and need some huge project done by Christmas?

    Shouldn’t they have started in October? September even?

  5. Bob/SPE- The ONLY coffee I drink is in the hotel restaurant… But I guess shorts, t-shirt and flip flops isn’t appropriate even at 0630…LOL

    NC- I’d go with a Surefire forend… 🙂