Woo Hoo…

TWO good meals this trip… ย And a trip down memory lane for those old Okinawa hands (Juvat, MSgtB, OldAFSarge, Frito, Woody, et al)…

Sam’s Anchor Inn one night for teppanyaki and all the trimmings!


Now I ‘know’ I stuck that damn business card up there somewhere… ๐Ÿ™‚ย IMG_1930

And another old favorite, Genghis Khan Mongolian, right out the front gate at Kadena…IMG_1932

Sadly, I can only get through two bowls in one sitting… I must be getting old! And this is ‘one’ of the picture walls… Lots of party pictures and other celebrations going back to, I think, 1979… And it’s only 1500 yen, all you can eat!!!

IMG_1933Sorry for the lousy pics, cell phone cameras aren’t ‘that’ great in other than bright sunlight.

Things are going to get real busy for the next week… Go read the folks on the sidebar!


Woo Hoo… — 7 Comments

  1. I’m not an old Okinawa hand, but I AM a big-ass Nippon-o-phile, what with spending over five years there in tours up on Hokkaido and one at Yokota. I most certainly miss the food and envy you the experience. Oh, yeas… I DO.

  2. I’m on that wall too, but my hair is black as a raven’s wing…now I have to dye it silver to look distinguished. Good memories, now cheers to some absent friends.

  3. Always wanted to go there. Some day I will mark it off my bucket list. Very cool. On another note…maybe your camera is good (operator error), but you are shaking? Any earthquakes going on? Too much coffee? I won’t say anything about it having to do with our ag..yeah. Not going there. Great fun. Have a nice trip.

  4. AYCE for Y1500 sounded like a heck of a deal until I remembered that we don’t have Y360 to the dollar anymore.

  5. Eaten at both many times, although I HAD hair at the time. Best of luck on your trip.

  6. Pavlov’s dog, food envy, starving on a full stomach bigtime.

  7. Buck- I didn’t know that… for some reason I thought you were a Lant/EUR guy…

    LL- Now I gotta go back… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Fargo- Watch it… ๐Ÿ˜› and it’s a working trip…

    Homebru- Nope, but it’s about 120:1 so right around $10… I can do that.

    Juvat- Tryin! ๐Ÿ™‚

    SoCal-LOL yep!!!