
Windoze is FINALLY going to kill Internet Exploder…

Couldn’t happen soon enough for those of us who aren’t allowed by company policy to run any other browsers…

Woo Hoo!!!

This from Digital Trends on Fox HERE.

Doing the happy dance… Of course I’ll probably be retired before this actually happens, but in the long run this is nothing but GOOD for the folks that are stuck with IE and whatever they call the new one, hopefully it will be better and actually work.

In other news, I heard on the radio that Apple is now talking about ‘buying’ Android and RIM (Blackberry) devices on trade in like they do iPhones. Apple has finally realized they’ve missed the boat on the buybacks, even if they throw them away or donate them to… OH wait, Obummerphones are iPhones you get for free… Never mind…

I’m really thinking about taking my donut to the meeting today. 8 hours in a lousy chair is NOT going to be fun today. I’ll just apologize ahead of time for the lack of commenting today, as I know I won’t get back till late.


Finally!!! — 18 Comments

  1. So… IE is still going to be there. They are just changing the name on the new upgrade. My work will still be using IE 9, with no plug ins allowed.

  2. Here lies Internet Explorer.

    Mourned by no one.

    Their replacement is Project Spartan.

    No one believes it will kick ass like the real Spartans did.

  3. You should just bring your rocking chair to that meeting, and if any of those whippersnappers try to say anything, you just tell ’em to git off’n your lawn! 😉

  4. Good that they’re going to have a replacement for that insecure slow crap they’ve called IE.

    It can only be an improvement.

  5. It’s more rebranding than anything else. Win10 will still have a built in browser, they’re just going to call it something else. IE6 was such a POS that five versions later people (including me) will only use it when there is no other choice.

    I’ll continue to use Pale Moon except in cases where it doesn’t render websites properly or some website functions won’t work.

    I’m eager to see what Win10 does, but not eager enough to install a beta on any of my computers.

  6. I’ll bet that they break for lunch in the same lousy conference room and pass around Heavenly Ham box lunches, so that 8 hours in those crappy chairs turns into 9 hours in those crappy chairs.

  7. Our IT department encourages Chrome.
    We write a lot of apps and they can’t depend on a change in IE not killing them.
    That said, there is one of them I use in IE because it actually gives me a choice in it’s behavior.

  8. You want to see crazy? Our agency uses Chrome, and we’re all forced to have a gmail e-mail, but our parent organization still uses IE and every time we get an e-mail telling us to go to one of their websites and deal with something, we have to cut the address, leave Chrome and open up IE to log in there, because many of those sites won’t run with Chrome. It’s pure nuts and as inefficient as can be but we’ve been doing it for about two years now.