Sneaking out…

We snuck out for a couple of days to play golf…

In my case, it was more like flog… Sigh…

Desert courses are a breed apart, especially in Arizona and New Mexico. You need to know EXACTLY how far you hit various clubs. EXACTLY… Because some of the landing areas are literally 20 yards deep.

2015-04-05 08.02.00

The courses by a large are starkly beautiful! And no, you don’t drive the golf carts off the cart path into the natural landscape…2015-04-05 10.41.00

We played a course up near Santa Fe that I REALLY want to talk to the golf course architect about… See the Cedar trees on the right of the picture? OVER them was where the fairway was… Rough??? Β Ya think??? Sigh2015-04-06 11.46.29

Another golf hole, pretty picture, except the wind was blowing about 20-30 mph directly crosswind!!! I aimed at the lighter green swatch on the far left side of the fairway, ended up in the dark green on the far RIGHT side of the fairway…2015-04-06 13.04.06

Five rounds of golf in three days, fun was had. Β Note to self, DO NOT make a desert golf trip your first shots of the year…

Final score-

Gopher hole- 2 balls, 2 different holes.

Rattlesnake- 1 ball, a 9 iron is NOT armed as far as I’m concerned… I hope he plays that ball better than I did…

Jack Rabbit- Tie. But it almost literally scared the s**t out of me. I was using that 9 iron to fish a ball out from under a Cedar tree and the Jack came out of there like a shot, right between my legs…

The rest of the story-

Palm trees eat golf balls.
Sand is alive. If it isn’t, how do you explain the way it works against you?
“Nice lag” can usually be translated to “lousy putt.” Similarly, “tough break” can usually be translated “way to miss an easy one, sucker.”

I’m going back to the shooting range… Less stress! πŸ™‚


Sneaking out… — 22 Comments

  1. You would be fine playing with us. We start with 6 balls. The last one with a ball wins. Sometime we make it to the 16th green before a winner is declared.

    I played in Georgetown, TX where they said any ball in the rocks was the rattlesnakes.

  2. Golf is where I learn creative new ways to swear so as to impress my 1SGT and Sergeant Major.

    Remind me sometime to tell you the story about how I got to play at Augusta National with the CG of Ft. Gordon as an E-5.

  3. Just remember, it was your idea.

    Golf: a nice walk in the country, ruined by the search for a little white ball.

  4. Sigh. I miss the beautiful west. You didn’t do too bad according to my standards. And yes, golf carts go off course (sometimes turn over and roll) but usually get stuck unless you have one of those fancy jacked up type used for lake resort outages with the big tires. LOL. Glad you got out for some fun!I might say a golf course is a perfectly ruined rifle range.

  5. Amazing how a patch of real estate with some holes drilled in the ground can humble one, ain’t it? πŸ™‚

  6. Father-in-law Joe was a starter/ranger at a Florida golf course. He was continuously reminding Snow Bird golfers that water hazards involved far more than water. It usually took only one swish of a gator’s tail to convince the golfers to heed his warnings.

    • Playing as a kid on the base course at Hurlburt and as a frat boy on St. Simons island, I’ve lost more than my fair share of golf balls to gators.

  7. LOL! Shooting is what made me understand golf. But I’ll stick to putt-putt, thanks.

  8. Gerry- That would have been the second course… about the 9th hole… sigh

    Tim- HIKE was more like it… sigh

    SPE- It’s not nice to rub something like that in… Just sayin…

    Rev- It was a hike alright… πŸ™‚ One course was around 6000 feet up.

    Fargo- LOL, no we don’t take carts off course because we respect the environment. It’s kinda a thing with us. If we go looking, we do it on foot.

    gfa- Yeah, we did… kinda… πŸ™‚

    Dammit- LOL, not anymore. I gave her up!

    GR6- Oh HELL yes…LOL

    Stretch- Good point, but hey, gator’s gotta eat too!

    PH- Not a bad idea! πŸ™‚

    Rick- Easier shots for sure!

  9. I would have missed the rabbit – the snake would have sent me directly to a barstool at the clubhouse. This is how you relax?

  10. I can’t even hit it that far! One day I’ll get a driver that doesn’t have a wicked slice built-in. Maybe even a fitted club for my height and swing-hitch. It will look like an artichoke on a fishing pole.
    But in Hawaii the lava kicks the ball back onto the course.

  11. Shipmate, its not golf, its called “whack F”:k”. You whack the ball and the next words are ” F”:K”

  12. Mrs C- Yep! Crazy aren’t I??? πŸ™‚

    NC- LOL, yeah I know that feeling…

    Senior- Oh yeah! πŸ™‚

    Brian- Thanks!

  13. Looks like fun! Now if only it would stop snowing here in New England and get above the 40s then I could go play a round in the mud! LOL

  14. Perfectly good waste of a Rifle Range.

    At Pebble Beach you have to hit off the fairway to get in the green. Otherwise you’re in the woods due to the wind coming off the ocean.

  15. Irish- Ouch!!!

    SR- If I’d been closer I would have. Two days in and out of ABQ with three other guys.

    PA- LOL, true! And you’re right about Pebble!!!