For those that think ‘drones’ are a new thing…

United States Naval Photographic Center film #11473. Antiaircraft practice aboard ship. Footage of Radioplane OQ-2 target drone.

From 1945!

And in other news, the USAF is converting F-16s to QF-16 drones down at Eglin… They’ve finally run out of QF-4s to shoot at.


TBT… — 11 Comments

      • 1) Targeting only. Ordnance is too expensive.

        2) Drones can pull programmed evasive maneuvers at the limits of the airframe without risking a second pilot. A pre-programmed sequence can be used to evaluate different pilots/systems to a common standard.

        3) Drones are cool.

  1. Yeah. But didn’t you notice how fashion comes around and reinvents itself every 40-50 year? LOL. Very cool post!

  2. Brian- Yeah, they ARE noisy aren’t they…

    Ed- Sure are! 🙂

    Fargo- Or every time a teen thinks they’ve done something ‘cool’…LOL

    Ed- You can do that now with some RC airplanes… 🙂

  3. Damn. QF-16? Last time I saw a drone fly at Egland, it was QF-106/102 ; couldn’t quite tell.

    Granted I was in 8th grade but, still…

  4. Old drones: campwellfleet.com. I grew up a mile from the site. Lots of cool exploring for an 8 to 12 year old! We also had an old Liberty ship 1 mile off the beach that AF and Navy bombed and helped develop heat seeking missiles.