Iranian deal???

The amateurs (Kerry et al) who gave them everything they want kinda remind me of these quotes…

“I think I’ll march my 17th, 18th, and 19th Legions through Teutoburg Forest to wipe out those barbarians and teach those Germanic tribes a lesson they’ll never forget” – General Publius Quinctilius Varus

“Hey look, the Greeks left a present for us.”  – Unnamed Trojan General

“I think I’ll just take my army all the way to Moscow this fall, I hear they have the best caviar in that city.”  –  Napoleon

“We got the Germans exactly where we can keep an eye on them – completely surrounding us.”  British Expeditionary Force General John Vereker at Dunkirk

“Don’t be foolish, there are no icebergs this far south this time of yea..”  –  Captain of the Titanic

“Hmmmm, I wonder what will happen if I turn this valve.”  –  Janitor at Union Carbide Plant in Bhopal, India

“Where’d all them f#ckin Injuns come from!?!?!?”  –  General Custer

Why do I have NO doubt this is going to come back and bite us in the ass?


Iranian deal??? — 21 Comments

  1. You forgot the British Expeditionary force and their idea of how to teach the Turks a less on at Gallipoli…

  2. I’ve got a deal for the Iranians…
    Either you quit enriching, and dismantle ALL of your plants in 30 days, or we will eliminate you from the face of the earth. End of discussion.

  3. You left out Sir Neville Chamberlain — “Peace in our time”

    won’t change policy on US
    Published July 18,
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    Senators upset UN will act on Iran nuke deal before Congress
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    Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Saturday that a historic nuclear deal reached with world powers earlier this week won’t have any effect on Iran’s policy toward the U.S.

    Khamenei said in a televised speech that U.S. policy in the Middle East runs counter to Tehran’s strategy and that Iran will continue to support its allies in the Middle East including the Lebanese, Hezbollah, Palestinian resistance groups and the Syrian government.

    “Our policy towards the arrogant U.S. government won’t change at all,” he said. He was addressing a large crowd in Tehran, broadcast live on state TV, to mark the end of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.

  5. We and the Ruskies verify each others treaty compliance 18 times a year.

    We are not allowed to verify Iran’s compliance at all, the US must rely on third party inspectors.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    • but the U.S. released or had released an Iranian Nuclear Scientist….. while our citizens were left to rot.

      That’s why President “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” went ballistic the other day when questioned about the hostages by that reporter…..

      He didn’t want this tidbit getting out.

  6. “Why do I have NO doubt this is going to come back and bite us in the ass?”

    In more ways than one. In addition to an expedited path to nuclear weapons, the removal of sanctions allows Iranian oil to reach the global market. This will give Iran cash to further export terrorism, along with updating its military. It also drops the price of oil below a point where much of the U.S. fracking production is profitable.

    We’re already seeing wells shut down, energy industry layoffs, and subsequent impacts on support and infrastructure businesses. This will eventually ripple its way into the mainstream U.S. economy, further weakening it.

    And in return we get what … the undying gratitude of the Iranians?


  7. LL- Point… But I didn’t have a good quote for that one!

    Craig- Agreed!

    Ian- Oh yeah, I should have had that one!

    Ed- No worry, the point comes across!

    gfa- You heard his ‘excuse’ on that… Spit…

    Matt- Yep, and the media is slamming the reporter… WRONG!

    Gerry- Yeah, strange to put it mildly…

    Tim- AND BO won’t allow anymore US drilling- It ‘won’t be needed now’… Just watch!

    WSF- Yep!

  8. ‘Delusional people in power’
    Quote of a priest to a ‘blue’ state congregation this week. Part of a sermon on Caesar, the modern world, and appropriate loyalties; it was well received. We all knew who the subject was…

  9. Rev- That they do…

    Acair- I’d have to agree! And I’m sure everyone did know EXACTLY whom he was talking about.

  10. I just wonder where the first one is going to go off? In Israel or the US.

  11. Yes, Chamberlain screwed over Czechoslovakia “for the greater good.”
    But he was negotiating from a position of weakness: Germany had been arming while Great Britain disarmed.

    The position of the USA with respect to Iran… not quite the same as Britain’s was. But Obama’s working on it.

  12. Back to the original theme: Gen. John Sedgwick’s never to be forgotten “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”