Can’t Legislate???

When in doubt, REGULATE…

Remember Cap and Trade? Obama’s promise to bankrupt the coal industry???

Go HERE. From 2008…

And then there was the ‘dump’ from yesterday on the ‘new’ EPA regs for 32% emissions reductions. The goals are even steeper than previously expected.

Go HERE to see the article and video. One of my co-workers IS a climatologist, she is ‘not’ impressed… Saying this will do nothing to actually reduce global emissions!!! And the costs of these new regulations have the potential to at least double our electricity rates, if not cause other extensive problems to the grid due to lack of backup power…

This one isn’t going to be pretty…


Can’t Legislate??? — 13 Comments

  1. The real problem is that the people who make the disastrous decisions pay NO penalty for being wrong and doing what they do.

  2. I’m currently reading a couple of books about the coal wars in West Virginia, circa 1920s.

    I can’t help but think that history is indeed cyclical.

    Sidenote: I do like the fact that when the miners decided to arm themselves they did so with three dollar Springfield ’03s from the local hardware store.

  3. I am convinced the EPA should be abolished, but then I am a right wing extremist, what do I know.

  4. Things are fixin’ to get ugly, if we’re not more vigilant. Time to keep on fighting the DC idiocracy.

  5. The bigger coal fired plants in the Ohio valley have already spent millions to reduce CO2 emissions. Smaller power plants have been shut down because they weren’t worth the money to upgrade.

    Now, the EPA is coming out with stricter rules than they hinted at years ago, meaning that the millions spent at the big plants isn’t nearly enough. All part of the plan, as they say.

  6. When those who espouse and push mandatory legislation “for the environment” actually act like it’s important, I’ll start believing them.
    In the meantime, John Travolta needs to sell a few airplanes. Obama, Biden, and a number of other politicians need to decide where they want to stay, and quit flying back and forth. And the IPCC needs to hold their conferences in a major metropolitan area, not some exotic island in the Pacific.

  7. Hi, NFO….what’s happening with this is typical of Obama, isn’t it? Jumping in and destroying businesses for his agenda that sounds so good “save the planet!” when so many experts say that’s rubbish, like your climatologist friend…and others who used to support the extreme efforts against climate change and who now do not. They never get any media attention, tho.
    He did this to our health care, he’s nearly destroyed racial harmony that existed before him, he releases terrorists, he’s managed to arrange a deal with Iran that should have included some benefits for US, too………ugh.
    God help us all!

  8. There is so much b.s. being bandied about to promote who knows what goals that a real problem will get ignored. Too much Chicken Little.

  9. What part of “fundamentally transform” didn’t people understand?