
I’m proud of both my daughters. I was asked in an email how they’re doing, and since I seldom write about them, I figured once a year is about right…

OD (oldest daughter) has moved over to a new job at one of the big box outdoor stores and is now managing in-store displays. It’s keeping her VERY busy, but it’s a ‘good’ busy according to her. She likes the job, and has a chance to move up. #1 grandson is still growing (now 6’2″ or more) and playing summer basketball.

PP, well she’s been a tad busy too…

They did a ‘little’ move of a few patients for a hospital, HERE. ย And #2 grandson is growing quickly…

Jace 8 9 15I’m up to my alligator in assholes this week, but I was able to get a beta read done for Daddybear.ย His new book will be coming out shortly, and I’m pretty sure folks will like it! I’m not going to steal his thunder though… ๐Ÿ™‚




Proud… — 14 Comments

  1. It’s always good when the offspring are doing well. Makes Dad feel like he did well. (Hint: you done good!)

  2. It is good to be a proud papa/grandpappy. Once a year is not enough sharing of the good news.

  3. Yes, what Dammitt said. More family good news is always appreciated. Even if the kid pics do elicit side eye glances from Household-Six.

  4. Good way to start a fight, “My grandkids are cuter than your grandkids”.

    Glad your offspring are doing well and Jace is too cute for words.

  5. Dammit/SPE- I know, but OPSEC… ๐Ÿ™‚

    WSF- LOL, too true!

    Mrs.C- Yep, feed ’em sugar and give them back… ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree. Good parents typically raise good kids (and grandkids). You done good, but no one who knows you is surprised.

  7. Murph- Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tim- LOL, first that would mean I’d have to figure out if the gator is male or female…

    Rick- Thank you!

  8. Grandson #2 is looking good. And thanks for doing the read. It’s starting to come together, finally.