
Maybe… — 32 Comments

  1. Hey Old NFO;

    Looks very nice and my fingers are crossed….Does it have a big back yard? you know for family…Grill-outs….blogger meets….you know..important stuff;)

  2. Well bless your heart, it’s even got a rocker on the porch for Dammit when she comes to set a spell…

  3. Why are the rain gutters set up to dump rain right next to the foundation rather than directing it away? Does the place have a basement or is it on a slab? Did the previous owners have rain barrels that they took with them? Check the walls on the inside near the downspouts for rot.

  4. Thanks folks! It’s on 1 acre. There are some things, like drainage, that will be changed if I get it.

    Posted from my iPhone.

  5. Looks very nice!! Good luck to you!

    +1 to both Bob and Dammit 🙂
