“Fun” is over…

Now it’s back to reality and getting ready for the next set of road trips…

Offer was accepted on the house, now comes the inspections, more paperwork, etc. etc…

Maybe a closing sometime next month, hopefully…

Thanks for all the good thoughts, and again sorry for the lack of posting/commenting. Not a lot of connectivity out in the sticks… LOL


“Fun” is over… — 21 Comments

  1. You might want to invest in some internet squirrels. How will you cope?LOL

  2. I pray all continues to go well – and swiftly – as you settle into your new place.

    Fargo’s comment about internet squirrels reminds me of the flying laser monkeys elsewhere … but that’s another story. 🙂

  3. Hey Old NFO;

    Congratulations on the purchase….! it looks very nice and you may have to view alternative methods to stay connected….OTOH…not being chained to a computer may be a good thing:)

  4. +1 on Ed.

    Seriously, congrats on getting the offer accepted…hope all the inspections go well and no surprises pop up!!

    Just a thought…check out wireless internet…I have it here and it works great…as well or better as when I was in town and had it via cable. Don’t have to feed the squirrels too many nuts each month either…budgets are important for retired types…or so I hear…I’m still a working type. Sigh.


  5. Thanks all! Sitting at DFW waiting for the flight back to DC… sigh…

    Posted from my iPhone.

  6. I wish you the best and look forward to sitting on that porch sometime!

    • Bless your heart young man, but I called shotgun on that front porch rocker…
      the swing is open far as I can tell…
      Congrats Texas!

  7. Geez, Don’t they have any satellites hanging around over the new neck of the woods? Not cheap but—- depends on how bad you want to stay connected!

    Good luck with the house and have a happy and enjoyable retirement! I know I put in as many hours a day right now as I did when working full time. But, it is a completely different kind of “work”!

    Take care and have a safe trip out and back.

  8. I have DishNET/HughesNet – my installer is new best friend and Apache/Navajo hunting buddy with 160-acres up on Pilot Hill…

  9. Ya know if you lined that porch with rockers and rented them out you could probably make the payments…