Out for a couple of days…

Gonna be offline for a couple of days, minor surgery to fix the ongoing knee problems.

Go read the folks on the sidebar, and I’ll get an update up as soon as I can coherently put thoughts together.


PP has flown in to boss me around (again)… Sigh…


Out for a couple of days… — 18 Comments

  1. Miss D. and I will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do . . .

    (Which leaves you plenty of scope!)


  2. Good luck with your surgery…hope it fixes things up for you…knee pain is a drag, especially as busy as you are!
    Be good, follow orders, and take your time, we will be here when you get back. 🙂


  3. Been through that more than once. Key to recovery is strict compliance with your Physical Therapy routine and ice … some on your knee, and some in your glass.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  4. Thanks all! Surgery was ‘successful’ for what that is worth. And now comes the ‘fun’ of trying to rehab it. Tim, you’re right…

  5. Glad it is over and you are alright. Just follow your terropist orders (at first you will confess to taking the Lindberg baby just to get him/her/it to stop)and you will eventually be ready to become a place kicker in the NFL.

  6. Glad to hear it went okay. Now the fun part begins; just remember we’re with you … in spirit! Pay no attention to the rumour that physical rehab therapy was begun by the Marquis de Sade. It’s only partly true; it was actually his disciples. 🙂

  7. Pain is simply weakness leaving the body. Good luck on the recovery. One more goal on the road to retirement. And keeps you at home for a while. Small benefit.

  8. Take your meds and do your PT.

    Had one knee repaired many years ago, and now the other one might need it.

  9. +1 CenTexTim
    I had to get two store bought knees.
    Frozen veggies in the bag works for ice packs if you get short of cold packs.

  10. You are more courageous that I am. I just take massive doses of MSM washed down with beer. When I’m reduced to crawling then I might consider alternatives.

  11. Peter- Thanks!

    Rick- I’ve got them (at least until I eat them) 🙂

    WSF- I was getting to that point…

    Odysseus- Thank you, tryin’ sir.

  12. Remember to leave all weapons, sharp and/or hard objects in the car before you go into the rehab shop to prevent damage to yourself and/or the therapist.

  13. I just came from a physical therapy appointment this afternoon. I know your pain.