In lieu of content…

Some times all one can do is laugh…


And other times all one can do is shake their heads in wonder…perspectives

Anyone that thinks the left isn’t out to get us, REALLY needs to take off the rose colored glasses, and get a reality check…


In lieu of content… — 8 Comments

  1. You’d think that the “progressive movement” would have to suspend reality to come up with the crap that they shovel. Then again, they are trying to decide between a 72 year old communist and the lesbian Bitch of Benghazi as their champion.

  2. I agree. Some of the comments I am seeing on my liberal friends FB page are evil. They include words like “crazy assed stupid Republicans”, “effing Republicans”, “get rid of the right”, “the Republicans are murderers.” Half the stuff comes from their ignorance and sheeple attitude. Yes, I have liberal friends. I like them not for political reasons. They have some nice qualities. LOL

  3. LL/Rev- Yeah, that IS enough to give one pause… sigh

    Fargo- There are a ‘few’ with redeeming qualities. And the rhetoric IS getting ridiculous…